DAY 07
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Oh Lord, from L to R: Me, Mom, Dad, Xtian, Gman
They make or break me. Nobody else can take me from 0-10 with only a hug or a smile. Nobody can take me from a 10-0 like them either. My husband has even said it, all it takes is that ONE phone call, and I’m either at a 10 or a 0 the rest of the week. I love my husband very much. I do. He has impacted my life for the past 3 years and I am so grateful for him. But my family I have known since I was given life. My family has taught me that life is not perfect, but that does not mean we should not enjoy it. We have been through so much together. All the best and worst memories I hold deep inside were made with the people in this picture. This picture alone says alot. Can you have a crazy disfunctional family, and still enjoy Thanksgiving together, and pose and smile for a picture?
I can’t believe how fat I was last year! Technically I wasn’t much larger than I am now…
In that picture I was a very snug size 10, going on size 12.
I am a very snug size 8 coming from size 10 now, but I think the weightloss is staying off because I try to diet, even if I don’t go through with it. If I diet all day, and ruin it at dinner, I wake up the next day and diet again. Before, I would diet the whole day, and if I ruined it at dinner, I never dieted again. And by diet, I don’t mean salads with no dressing, I mean lots of water, fruit snacks, and calorie counting.
LADYBUG UPDATE: I have seen only a few, but alot of them seem to be either dead, or a ittle dazed and confused. Maybe because it’s their hibernating time, or maybe the spraying really did help a little? We will have to wait until Spring to really know what the deal is, but I will keep you posted.
It is so cold in the office. I am sitting at my desk with my COAT on. Everytime I think the heater is coming on, it’s actually the AC. What is wrong with these people?