
So, we move or are suppose to move on Monday.  Joe is currently at the hospital for alcohol withraw and pancreatitis.  Still sitting in the waiting room of the ER as of right now, waiting for a room.  I have so much to do, and don’t even know how I am going to do it. It’s absolutely ridiculous and outrageous and Im mad.  I was at home we essentially got fired from his job for laying out, and I came home from work ( this is my last week) packed until around 9:30.  As I went to go get ready to lay down, he was like i can’t detox at home i need you to take me to the ER again.  Now granted he was in the ER on Mothers day for the same damn thing and wound up in the ICU.  He’s been the the hospital for withdrawl no kidding 30 times in the last five years.  I have sent him to rehab twice, he’s been to jail due to his actions while he drinks, and he was on probation and had to do classes.  NOTHING matters to this man more than alcohol.


I have digressed.  I too him up to the ER and once they got the spasm stopped and the meds started to relax him, around 2 am this morning, I went home and got in bed. Got up picked up my coworker and here I am at work.  They are going to do a pizza party as my going away today.  Im hoping joe gets put in a room soon so I can call him because the ER area has NO cell service at all, so I can’t even communicate with him. But if he does get into a room, then Im going to call check on him and then probably not go up there so i can work in the kitchen this evening and get that stuff packed.  If I can get the Kitchen done tonight, then I can work some more on the living room.  My main focus is going to be trying to focus on the things I want to take so no man gets left behind.


I am just a ball of stress and hope and pray that even with this obstacle, I can stick to the original plan and be home on Tuesday! Keeping my fingers crossed for happiness and success.


I am about to go to my surprise pizza party so i should probably close this out.

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