Fuck you Facebook!! :D

So my account got disabled….read on….

Dear Facebook,

My account was disabled due to which I understand was excessive messaging. I can assure you that I am not a spammer and that I’m very genuine. I’m very sorry for breaking the rules and with abide by them in future.
One last question, when you reenable my account it won’t change anything will it?

Yours sincerly,

Roronoa Rakuga

Hi Roronoa,

Facebook has limits in place to prevent behavior that other users may find annoying or abusive. These limits restrict the rate at which you can use certain features on the site. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with the specific rates that have been deemed abusive.

Your account has been disabled because you exceeded Facebook’s limits on multiple occasions when sending messages, despite having been warned to slow down. We will not be able to reactivate your account for any reason. This decision is final.

Thanks for your understanding,

User Operations


Dear Keith,

Thanks for your reply. I understand the reasons given but also I wish to make clear that I was not the one sending all those messages but it was in fact my younger brother who did so as I was absent. He apparently did a copy and paste of a message I sent to a ceratin person in the ‘France’network, thus any warnings I got I was personally unaware untilwhen I came back he logged me out. When I logged in I got the message of disability and didn’t understand why.

I’m glad to know that there are proper humans moderating the site and not robots and it’s because of that that I humbly ask you to reactivate my account as I have many friends and colleagues saved on my lists because of it. I’ve been a member of facebook since october 2006 and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. It’s become my primary source of online interaction and socialising and if you judge my profile you’ll see that I’m very real and that prior to this incident I’ve had no misuse of the site and it’s applications.

I remain yours,

Roronoa Rakuga


Hi Roronoa,

Thank you for explaining the situation. We realize that you may not have been the one to violate our Terms Of Use. However, any action made from a user’s account is considered authorized by the account holder. One of Facebook’s main priorities is the comfort and safety of our users. It is a violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use to harass users on the site, whether through unsolicited messages, friend requests, pokes or other features. We will not be able to reactivate your account for any reason. This decision is final.

Thanks for your understanding,

User Operations


Dear Keith,

Thanks for your reply. I understand fully the terms of use as I have for over the past 1 and a half years that I’ve been using Facebook for. However, I find it unessarily unjust that you hand out a permanent disablement on an account that isn’t accounted for. I realise that this is to prevent harassment but as a user of Facebook for over 1 and 1/2years, I find it rather unfair that given the circumstances that you cannot see a gross misdirection in this decision. I’ve been using Facebook for university and friends and to suddenly be cut off from my friends like that is rather harsh. Surely you can reiniterate my friend list of something? I had over 670+ people..both friends and colleagues as well as being the head of a couple of groups, it’s near impossible to reconnect with certain people from scratch and I hope you can sympathise with this.

Yours sincerly.

Roronoa Rakuga


Hi Roronoa,

I apologize for the inconvenience, but you will not be able to recover any content within the account. This decision is final.


User Operations


Dear Keith,

Thanks for your reply. However, due to this massive inconvenience of losing all my content and contacts again, what do you recommend that I should do? Since you urge and provide members to use the site andit’s aspects fully, there is also a certain degree of responisibility that comes along with handling such data. Because of your inflexible absolute rule which fails to take anything into account, I wonder somewhat what to do next. Facebook is and has become a comfortable medium to my everyday life and quite frankly, pulling the plus like that just isn’t fair.

As your records can show, I’ve never had a single complaint nor report regarding my time on Facebook thus any harassment or misuse on my part has and always will be non-existant.

Please offer me any solution or advice


Roronoa Rakuga

Hi Roronoa,

Your account has been disabled because you have violated Facebook’s Terms of Use. You have been sending unsolicited correspondences to numerous users. Abusing the features of the site in this way is not permitted. I’m sorry, but you will no longer be able to use Facebook. We will not be able to reactivate this account for any reason. This decision is final.


User Operations

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