One of the down falls of teaching school is that you are exposed to all manner of cooties. I have 130 students that are spread out through six classes that last 46 minutes each day. For the most part, my classes run fairly smooth with the exception of those times of year in which the flu bug runs rampant through our school. Well, this past week was one of those weeks. On three separate occasions last week, three different children threw up in my trash can. I am totally not good with kids and puking. Grammar I am good with….puking is a no go!
Well, Friday it was my turn. By the time I got home and called the doctor, my fever was 101. I had the worst cough on the face of the earth, and I threw up in the driveway. Those poor kids. They threw up in a trash can in front of the entire class and me. I was so distraught that the postman saw me hurling in my own front yard. I was a mess. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic and cough medicine with codine. Seems I had a virus combined with bronchitis, Double bummer!
Poor Mike had to deal with me for the day. Tammi came to work on sewing projects and was concerned because I could not thread the machine for her. Kayla was totally bummed that we did not get to put up the tree. They were all really worried that I slept for 16 hours each day on Saturday and Sunday. I think this thing has finally passed and man am I glad for it to be over. I am keeping my fingers crossed that any future cooties will pass me by. I will relocate my trash can to the back of my classroom and have the deepest sympathies for my puny students. Lesson learned…..
YUK…Hope you get better fast.
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