Birthday Wishes

Thirty-one years ago at 5:57 a.m. weighing in at five pounds and four ounces a son was born.  He was two months early with blonde hair and blue eyes. A head full hair adorned his head, but he had no eyebrows or fingernails.  I watched in awe as they placed that little guy on my tummy and he snuggled in between both of my breasts and sniffed.  It did not take long for him to quiet down.  His little chest would pull in tight and little wheezes would escape his tiny blue lips.  They gave us a few short minutes and away he went.  

His father and I had signed the paperwork for him to be transported to University Hospital Neo-Natal Unit earlier that morning.  The helicopter was on the pad waiting to take him. Polaroid pictures were placed on the table beside my bed and the wait began.  Several hours passed with my mom at my side before Mike returned to let us know that our baby had stabilized and would remain with us.  His breathing was better and they were surprised but confident that he would be great.  Much later that evening he was brought to us.  It was an awesome thing to watch his father take that small baby into his hands and pray a prayer of thanksgiving. I will never forget how Mike audibly voiced that prayer, "Thank you God for giving me my son and for the sacrifice your son made for us.  He is a gift from you and we know that you have big plans for him."  Mike uncurled those tiny little hands and placed both of them in his own and curled his large calloused hand around those tiny hands. He, like me, was hopelessly in love with our little boy.

That little boy now has a little one of his own.  I have watched as he curled his large hands around the small ones of his own child.  I know that he has thanked God for his child and has dreams for his child’s future.  I have watched him look at his son with such love and joy that it can hardly be contained.  He can truly now understand what we as his parents have………unconditional love for their child.  

No matter what………we love.  Happy Birthday Paulie.  May you find this day filled with as much joy as we felt thirty-one years ago.  




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May 30, 2012

Memory for a mother … and happy birthday to your son! *smile*

Thank heavens a happy ending. My first was 4-5 weeks early. She weighed 5lbs and had very little eye lashes or fingernails. Fortunately she never had a respiratory problems and still doesn’t.

May 31, 2012

how beautiful this is. happy birthday to paulie. take care,

June 5, 2012

What a beautiful entry and testament to the love of parents for their children. Paulie has been abundantly blessed. Take care!