Favorites Only

I’ve finally made the leap into Favorites Only land.  No offense to anyone, but I’m just not loving when random strangers read one of my entries and then feel free to comment on my thoughts.  I used to be cool with it when it was all new and fun.  But, not so much anymore.  If you read me and never note and could possibly go through Makeitblue withdrawal without me, drop me a note.  I love my OD favorites.

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March 15, 2008

well i was a random noter on here today and sorry if my comments offended you. you write your thoughts down in such a way that interested me and made me want to keep reading. anyway..good luck

March 15, 2008

You have to love random readers…charliebrown used to drive me insane…but he doesn’t say much anymore…course, I don’t write much about sex anymore… 🙂

March 15, 2008

I love you, too! 🙂

March 16, 2008

Favorite me oh please oh please!

March 16, 2008

ryn: i wouldnt even know where to begin on even just faking it! lol!

March 16, 2008

i hate the flu

March 16, 2008

Can you add me? I love hearing about your vacations to Disney!

March 16, 2008

I need my doses of randomness!

March 17, 2008

Hey thanks for the compliments! So question for you…did you make me a fave? I really did enjoy reading you. If you didn’t that’s ok! Have a fab St. Patricks Day!!

March 18, 2008

i hope i am still on your fave’s!! you’re my girl 🙂

March 19, 2008

RYN: during christmas, SM would line the sides of the strip (the outside, not the inside) with colored rope lights. That is, until he realized my mother hadn’t mastered the art of the “parking ribbons” as they are called (I found this out when researching the city code when they were talking about making everyone have PAVED driveways, and I thought I’d have to get rid of my gravel, but that didn’thappen. I never knew that’s what they were called.) She kept driving over the lights, so he grumbled and made a new design. Oh, if you look close at the one frontal pic of the house, you can see on the right side of the right strip that, yeah, I’m going to lose some grass soon. I think my tires are too wide. That sounds like a good excuse, right?

March 20, 2008

Hey! Its me Pinkcess. SOrry it took so long to let you know about my new diary but I was uh… busy. Husby was home and I wasnt leavin the bedroom ;o) So you are added. Please add me back so I can see some damn entries.

I read occasionally and never note and hate when random strangers feel that they can advise me on my personal matters. If you let me in, I promise not to be an asshole. If I don’t get in, that’s ok too.

March 31, 2008

Brave Lady! Your frank words written at your OD led me to your world. Hope you will let me in. You’re cordially invited to read my humble OD. Regards. Sam

April 21, 2008

People I read seem to read you, and I enjoy hearing other peoples life experiences…may I come in?

May 28, 2008

I saw you on Bullwinkles diary and followed you over, i’ll fave you if you fave me.

March 16, 2009

add me? you’ve got alice and audrey on your page , we’d click!