Yay for Quilting and Stuffs
::stretches:: I’m trying to convince myself that Brandon doesn’t need a quilt, that he just needs a wall hanging.
I decided a while ago I wanted to do a quilt for him, and asked him what he wanted in one… He said that he wanted a plain red and black one… a red square with a thick black border. Simple, right? Well. I talked with my mom and my aunts, and I decided that I’m going to do a whole cloth quilt (picture here of a random whole cloth quilt). I’m going to make the quilt that Brandon suggested he wanted… red on black, with the stitching being the only designs on it. The middle’s an 8 pointed star with cross-hatching. The star’s circled by a set of feathers. It’s really pretty looking… and the red’s a deep marbled red, almost a brick color. ^.^ Outside of the circle is lines leading to another row or two of feathers. I have the first part, the center, done. I need to see if we have enough black for this, or if I get to wait till payday to get to buy more material so that I can finish the top. I spent today drawing the lines and whatnot for quilting. ::grins:: I can’t wait to get to working on the top.
I might end up buying a second quilting hoop so that I can quilt at the same time as my momma…. in fact, we have two baby quilts to do too – one for Kristal (green and yellow quilt, I’m thinking maybe a windmill design?) and one for Hollie (Green and white, most likely, an irish chain), and only about 6 or so months to do them. ::laughs:: I’m happy about this, it gives us so much to do and it allows me to do some more work with my hands.
This weekend’s been good… been working on the quilt and cleaned up a bit around the house. I really want to work on my cross-stitch, I might start looking around for the instructions for my current stitching, and go back to work on it. I just can’t figure out what I did with it… prolly in my box of artsy stuff. Whee.
Things are going really well with everything. Went to the doc on Friday and told her I was feeling much better with the new pills… we got weighed and I lost 9 pounds in the past two weeks. ^-^ Yay for no chocolate, soda, or sweets as well as eating less and better. I’m happy. Things are also going good with whatever it is that’s going on between Brandon and me. I’m happy, and he seems to be really happy, so that’s pretty much what matters.
::stretches:: Back to the stitching!
yayaya! I would like a quilt!
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Racing has always been a passion of mine. I used to do a good bit myself, but foolishly gave it up. I try to attend as many events as possible throughout the year, it’s just been difficult this year so far. -CF
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Ryn: Haha! Me? A bride? I don’t think so.
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