Yay for Long Weekends!

 First off, I’d like to say that I’ve finally been getting some good sleep.  For the last two nights I’ve gotten around 8 hours each and I’m feeling pretty good.  

Saw the doctor on Friday, told her that I really wasn’t feeling any different on the Wellbutrin, except for the fact that my eyes were having trouble adjusting with going from working on the computer, to looking at paperwork while at work, and I’ve noticed that my hands have been trembling a bit lately.  It’s really apparent when I eat my lunch.  I think I spent a good 5 minutes one day just staring at my fork.  ::shrugs:: Sooo, she told me to wean myself off of the Wellbutrin and started me on Celexa.  I asked her if I would have seen any change with Wellbutrin, since it’s only been two weeks.  She told me that with the amount I was on (the high end of the dosage), I should have noticed some change.  She told me that she was thinking about putting me on Cymbalta since it worked for me before.  I told her I’d rather go crazy than be put back on Cymbalta.  So yeah.  That was a fun talk.

She also said, because I’ll be changing meds and might end up a little wonked out, she’ll give me a week off of work – I laughed and told her I already pretty much have a week off of work.  I’m off through Wednesday, go into work Thursday but leave at 1:30, and have a full day of work on Friday – which is fine because it’s usually just me and Kristal on Friday.  It’ll give me a chance to get an idea of what I need to do work wise.  

Thursday is the day I go to be ‘shrunk’ as Kari puts it.  I’m nervous but trying hard not to think about it.  I’ll come out of it fine.  

Gloria showed up at work on Friday – she had gone to renew her badge and came up to give the paperwork to Dan.  She stopped by and we talked.  I forgot how much I missed her, I think I’ve just been craving human interaction.  She told us why she was out for as long as she’s been and that she’s worried that she’s not going to be able to come back since her Family Medical Leave is up at the end of April and she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to be back by that time.  Apparently she fell and really hurt her ankle, got a blood bubble or something and it popped and gave her blood poisoning.  A bunch of other stuff happened to her too, so it’s been one bad thing after another for Gloria, it seems.

Yesterday was pretty good.  Slept till about 10, got up, did some work on the computer and then just kind of relaxed.  I dozed when I wanted to doze, I watched TV with Mom (Olympics mostly, with a little Bones thrown in), read, wrote a little.  I figure today I’m going to see about going to the park that’s a couple blocks away from the house – we’ve got beautiful weather, it’s in the high 50s and not a cloud in the sky, so some fresh air would be good.  Maybe take The Name of the Rose and read a bit.  I’ve been wanting to really throw myself into it and I haven’t had a chance to really sit down and read-read.  I still have to finish the Wraethu trilogy, and a couple other books.  

I was thinking about spending these three extra days to go down to Portland, but I don’t have the money right now to make a trip.  I’ll have to do that later on, when money’s not so tight.  I was told end of March was a good time.

I got my 7 Deadly Sins DVD in the mail.  Haven’t watched it yet… I think I’ll have to do that this weekend.  That’ll make me want to pull out the Angelic Conflict story too.  I might have to find a bit of that and post it.  I love the way that Lucifer interacts with my FMC.  

My aunt gives up chocolate every year for Lent.  This year I figured I’d try to offer moral support by giving up chocolate and soda.  I figure if I can do that until Easter, I might be able to just give it up all together.  And as I told Aunt Louise, if nothing else, I’m bettering myself in some small way.  

I don’t think there’s much else to talk about right now.  My personal life is wonked, as it normally is.  I think I’m growing more fond of someone than I really should right now, considering my issues.  I’m not sure what I’m going to really do about it – I’ve always cared for him but lately it’s been less of a "You’re a good person, and a good friend, and I love you for it." And something… well… more? Different?  I don’t know.  I figure I’ll just let it be for now, work on fixing my self and finding steady ground again.  Just so I can see what these feelings are, or at least get an idea of it’s just a reaching out for comfort, or if it’s something I should look at more closely.  

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February 21, 2010

I would LOVE to have the high in the 50’s! lol. It’s still in the 20’s mostly here.

February 22, 2010

Ryn: Oh thankyou! Hahaa. My presentation thing turned out all good (: I’m just glad it’s over with. I don’t particularly like talking in front of a bunch of people. I’m going to have to buy all the books soon, I really am!

February 22, 2010

It’s getting a bit odd that we in the northern reaches of the country are experiencing abnormally warm weather for this time of year. The temperature here is nearing fifty, I can’t see any snow on the ground and I just saw a guy on a motorcycle drive by. I keep having to make sure that it’s still February.