Wonked Dreams

 I had a strange dream last night.

In it I was a special agent or a detective or something, not entirely sure what my title was or what agency I was working for but I was working on a case involving kidnapped children (2 four or so year olds, and an infant).  My partner (I think it was someone I knew, Brandon maybe?) and I were working on the clues and figured out that the kidnapper was in some house in the city.  So we went over to rescue the children, only to find out we had been duped. 
We looked around the house, couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary, in fact, I don’t think there was -anything- in that house.  We looked into the backyard and found some pit or something, with an old woman in it.  I’m kind of hazy on the next part, but somehow we not only ended up in said pit, but we got out too.  It was kind of blurry, even in my dream.
Once we escaped, we went back to the HQ to go back over the evidence to figure out what we missed.  Or what the kidnapper wanted us to miss.  So we walked through everything and I mentioned a bus line.  I guess that was the key to the puzzle because next thing I knew, we were in front of another house and were figuring out how we were going in.  
On the inside, this house looked like it was a child’s playland – toys were everywhere, the cabinents had all sorts of snacks and whatnot, etc.  We searched the bottom floor and went up to the top floor.  I remember hearing a baby cry and making my way into the master bedroom, where the infant was laying in a newly bought crib.  I scooped up the baby and went to the walk in closet, where I found a whole bunch of clothing hanging neatly with shoes under each set, and a polaroid showing the child it belonged to.  There was like… 30 of them.  It made me sick to my stomach.  
It was about that time that the kidnapper/killer found me.  I stashed the baby into the corner of the closet and then there was one hell of a gun fight.  I shot him in the head and then the chest twice, he fell over and was still.
This is where it got weird.
So, I picked up the infant, started to leave the room to find my partner and tell him about the dead guy and the clothes in the closet, and the kidnapper started to get up and move around.  So I switched to my big revolver (don’t ask) and pretty much used six bullets to take out the guy’s heart and nearly blow off his head, but he still kept coming.  It was that time my partner burst in, with a four year old in each arm.  
I started to argue with the kidnapper, telling him he was dead so he needed to lay back down and stay dead, and he was trying to tell me that he dodged all six bullets and he wasn’t dead.  I remember the argument going on for a while and then I threw down my gun, turned around and walked away, swearing never to play with that guy again.
O.o It was all an online game or something.  And I didn’t know it until the end of the dream.  It wasn’t the most bizarre of my dreams, but it did give me a WTF feeling when I woke up.

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February 15, 2010

I love those ‘WTF?’ dreams. Gives me something to laugh at. I think I’ve watched a grand total of 5 American Idol episodes. One of them was Kelly Clarkson’s audition, and I fell in love with her on sight too. Maybe this Hope Johnson girl will be just as lucky, no? -CF

February 15, 2010

I just have a thing for female singer/songwriters. Call it a weak spot. -CF