Wiped Clean

 My brother’s back in town.

He’s figured out where we live.

He came in last night.  I fucking should have gotten up when I thought I heard something – I usually do.  But the pills… ::shakes her head::

The laptop’s gone.  So’s the DS and games, all the change that was down here, mom’s smokes.  

I think I’m going to be sick.

If nothing else, I think I’m going to cry.  This fucking shouldn’t be happening.  ::sigh:: 

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March 4, 2010

I hope you intend on prosecuting, family or not. If you dont, it’ll keep happening. did he break in, or did someone give him a key?

March 5, 2010

Oh Sweetie I am SO sorry… this sucks… i can’t believe someone anyone as close as they should be to you would do something like this… **I have missed you VERY much!!!

March 5, 2010

RYN: Again with the gaming items, wargh! He knows exactly which things to take from you to make you upset and goes out of his way to do it. That’s it, I now know what to put into the next package I send to you. I’m getting the few RIFTS books we have in the shop and shipping them out sometime next week. Wargh, gamers unite!