Tired, but not Sleepy

Last night really sucked.  I don’t want to get into what happened, it’s enough to say it sucked and I hope I never have to go through another night like it… as unlikely as that may be.  

The RIFTs game went good today, I actually was prepared for once and they’re on the cusp of something awesome.  

Then I got the call where I found out my grandfather (on my mother’s side, and the last of my grandparents) passed away today.  Yeah… i found this out in the middle of said RIFTs game.  I don’t know how i feel about it.  I didn’t know my Grandfather.  I met him once while we were going through Chicago on our way up here to Washington.  

That was 19 years ago.

He never called, never wrote.  Granted I never tried to get into contact with him either… but yeah.  Mom didn’t have much to do with him, and he was her father.  she was close to Grandma, and when Grandma died, she was… she didn’t take it well.  Neither did I, truth be told.  

It just… I can’t help but wonder if I’m a bad person because I don’t mourn the death of a man without whom I wouldn’t exist.  I’m sad that he’s gone, but only in an abstract way.  

I don’t know. I just know that I’m going to be taking a few days off from work.  I hate the reason why I’m going to be able to get the days off, but I’m happy that I’ll have a few extra days of rest.  

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February 17, 2010

Love the title of this entry… I can totally relate

February 18, 2010

Regardless of lack of contact, losing a family member sucks. My condolences. …and I told you Cat Power was amazing ^_~ -CF

February 18, 2010

I was nine when my grandfather died, and I felt the same way. I didn’t really know him very well, but I cried when my mom told me. I was easily affected by things as a child. I suppose sometimes I still am.

February 18, 2010

i have a HUGE extended family. every so often word trickles down that a distant relative that I never even knew existed had died. i feel bad for my family and for the people experiencing a loss, but…i can’t feel bad for ‘losing’ someone i never even knew in the first place. i feel you on that one. yay for rifts though. kinda miss it sometimes. ~

February 19, 2010

i am so sorry your night stunk you know if you ever need me i am a phone call away. i am sorry to hear about your grandfather, i understand the feeling of not really knowing him. same with my family but my grand mother lived about 30 minutes from us! and NO you arent a bad person for not mourning his death. rest and if you need anything let me know… hugs tight and love

February 19, 2010

thanks for the note. I know what you mean they are really cute but if she hasnt tried online. get her to its soooo fun. I even enjoy it