This Weekend’s Going to Rock

This week’s been kind of "meh" at best.  Tribal Gaming Agency is getting on our back because apparently we’ve been out of compliance without realizing it fully.  Okay.  This tells you how fucked up my job is… When I started with the audits that I’m in charge of right now, I asked for a copy of the Internal Controls (ICs) and was told that I really didn’t need to have a copy of those, I just have to do my job the way I’ve been trained.   The only problem with that is that I’m operating on hear-say, and with the only person who had the ICs having quit at the same time that we switched systems from a Ticket in / Ticket out to a Cash in / Ticket out system… yeah… we were pretty much winging it.  That’s stressful in itself… knowing that you have to report, not only to the superiors in the Casino (Controller, Chief Financial Officer, General Manager), but to the tribe, the state, and the federal government, and knowing that you have no fucking clue what you’re supposed to be really doing.  Adding to this is the fact that I was the only one who really knew the department’s audit, as well as being the youngest person in the department by a lot, and the one with the least amount of auditing experience.  Yeaah… Like I said, I did what I could, with the information I had, and followed the decisions of my higher ups without questioning nearly enough.

So, when the tribal auditors ask my boss why I haven’t done this, that, or the other, all I could tell him was that I didn’t know I was supposed to.  He asked me if I had not looked at the ICs to find out what I was supposed to be doing, and I told him that I had never gotten a copy of the department’s auditing ICs.  He tried to argue with me, until I grabbed the file of informations that I had been given in the past two years and showed him exactly what I had.  He then gave me the ICs for the department so I could look them over.  Only problem… they’re over two and a half years old and a lot of the stuff no longer applies, and the stuff that we were doing for the Cash In / Ticket Out wasn’t on them.  Which is, of course, what I needed the information for.  

The issue started with a single report not being done, because I asked if I needed to do it and was told that the person in charge had no clue and told me to not bother with it.  So I didn’t bother with it… and now we’re being reamed for not bothering with it and when it came back down to me, I threw up my hands and said that I did what I was told.  Which isn’t a real excuse but it’s the truth.  So I’m having to go back to the beginning of the year and do this weekly report, on top of my usual work.  … Oh fuck… I just remembered I didn’t request the information needed for the weekly report for this week. ::facepalms:: Oh well.  

So, since this whole issue came up, TGA has been looking really deep into all of our audits and is piling up more and more gripes… piddily stuff, but enough to keep my boss on my back, harping on me.  This has got all of us stressin, me especially, since it makes me feel like I’m doing a bad job at my job.  

But this weekend… this weekend’ll be awesome.  

Arts Walk is tomorrow and Saturday.  That’s two days of local bands and artists showing off in downtown Oly.  I’m taking Podling to it, and Hollie and her hubby are coming down from Aberdeen to hang out.  I talked to Holl tonight and she said that Andrew’s pretty much going to drop her off and hang out for a few before heading back home – he has to work early Saturday so he can’t stay for too long.  I don’t mind though, I like him enough but I adore Hollie and it’d be good to get some girl time in… well, girl and Podling time.  We’re going to work on making quilts for baby sock monkeys… she wants to learn how to quilt and use her sewing machine, and I figured that the little quilts would be fun to work on and we could try new things out.  We should have fun, specially since Momma’ll be home Friday night.  

Saturday we’re going to go see the parade… uhm… the Procession of the Species one.  Next year I think I’m going to see about taking part… Drag Podling along with me, and Courtenay too.  Hell, just drag the whole family along.  ::laughs:: It should be fun, if nothing else… but Podling, Hollie and I are going to go and watch the parade, prolly drink a bubble tea and munch on teriyaki too.  Then we’ll come back home and work on making the quilts still.  I hope to have a few of them done by the end of the weekend.  

I figure when I’m not messing around with the little quilts, and hanging out with Holl and Podling, I’m going to be playing WoW.  >.< Courtenay and I were talking and i mentioned that I missed it a little but didn’t want to deal with the people, and he gave me his log in so I could mess around with the characters and such.  I’m having fun with that, when I’m not quilting or doing other things.  I actually am working on setting WoW up on my laptop… I hope that I can run it at least decently well on the laptop; If so then that means that Court and I can play WoW while we’re at the shop when I’m visiting.  I already told Mom I was taking my laptop down, if for no other reason than to have it to write on while Court’s at work.  I’ve promised him the chance to look over some of my prose if he’s wanting to.  I think he’d be a fool to… there’s so much really badly written work on this computer that it’s not funny.

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April 23, 2010

Effectively, it all really came down to her focus on school and distance. It’s whatever though…water under the bridge. -CF

Hey hon o.o Rob and I wanna try the server realm you guys are playing on for a bit before we decide to transfer our chars to your guys’ server ^_^ so just let me know what server you guys play on <3

April 23, 2010

And what do you mean when you say that you’ll drag the whole family along? I’m sure that the little storm will be easy enough to drag, but I doubt that it would take much to get her to come along. She will be attached to one of us at most times. And I still say that you dress Podling up as a hagfish. Work seems to be kicking both of our butts lately. And it’s really starting to stress us out and have an effect on our relationship at times. Have fun with Hollie. I’m sure that once I’m there, I’ll pretty sure that we can have fun together as a group. That is if everyone doesn’t hate me on sight. *worry worry* Love you, Courtenay

April 23, 2010

I hope work gets better for you… it sounds really stressful. = Your weekend sounds like it should be a blast though! You def. deserve it. Also, WoW can be really fun when playing with buddies. 😀 I have an 80 Blood Elf priest!

April 23, 2010

Lol. Wow, I am so glad i quit that game 🙂 lost of idiots trollin’ that place.