There’s Still a Little Bit of Your Song in My Ear

So.  Yeah.

This weekend was interesting.  Boring, but interesting.  God, talk about an oxymoron. 

What I mean is that there weren’t any real big "Oh my god" moments, or big things that I had to do or anything.  I spent Saturday sleeping in and messing around on the computer.  Played some Fallout 3 and remembered why I love that game.  I’m trying to get my Karma back up… I dropped it as quickly as i could so that I could get Jericho as a follower (because, being the pack rat I am, I needed the extra body to hold crap for me, not to mention to shoot stuff, since I’m a bad shot), and now I’m trying to work it back up.  It’s not working too well, I keep finding things that I want to do or want to steal.  Le sigh.  Oh well, it’ll get up again sometime in the near future. 

Saturday night an old friend of mine contacted me.  We talked and whatnot.  We knew each other from roleplaying back in the day, and he always had a huge crush on me.  I think I could have developed strong feelings about him too, but he was always so… pushy.  He reminded me of one of those guys who’d go from "I like you and think you’re neat" to "OH MY GOD! LET’S GET MARRIED!" in less than three breaths.  Well… that’s a tad bit of an exaggeration, but not much of one.  We talked about the past and he let it slip that he thought that I was "the one that got away."  Flattering, sure, but I told him I was with Scott so while it was flattering, I couldn’t return his affection.  He asked me how I felt about Scott and I told him the truth, that I’m content.  Which sent him into a long flowery speech about how I deserved to be happy, and not just "content."  And that’s true, I was thinking that same thing not too long ago, but I find that content is… I don’t know, good.  I have happy days, but I also have days where I want to dig a big hole and throw Scott into it and bury him. So it evens out to "content." 

It got really late, I started getting sleep deprived and started answering questions that I probably wouldn’t have answered.  He kept making flowery speeches and I was numbskulled enough to get caught up in them.  ::shakes her head:: Boys and their pretty words.

Yesterday was more of the same.  Did some cleaning up, some editing, and a bit of gaming.  Talked more with the old friend and I think we finally have an understanding.  He kept pushing and pushing and pushing until I finally told him to sit down and back off.  I’m in a relationship, I’m content in the relationship, yes he’s a good guy, but no dammit, he couldn’t touch my boobies!  x.x

I also talked to Ben last night, that was nice. We chatted about random shit until I dozed off around midnight.  Woke up enough to call Scott and ooze off to bed. 


Today’s been good.  Work’s very work-like, but aside from a few snafus, it’s going smoothly. 


I was working on editing my story while on break when I realized that I had my FMC (Female Main Character) and MMC (Male Main Character) interacting before the MMC was even created!  >.<  

The story takes place on an alien world.  The FMC is a human colonist, and the MMC is an ‘alien lifeform’ that is created by the planet’s lifeforce in order to learn about, and judge the humans. 

Everything’s fine except for the fact that the FMC has a dream in which the MMC is talking to her on pages 27-29, but the MMC isn’t "born" until about page 40 or so.  So I get to tear apart the story and figure out how the hell to put it back together again.  I’m thinking of adding another short dream sequence to take the spot of the original dream, and then moving that whole section back to around page 50 or so.  x.x Editing’s such a pain in the rear.


Another thought!


I found a band with the coolest name… I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness (Chosen Darkness for short), but I havent found music of theirs that I actually like.  Sadness.

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December 28, 2009

Hey, I discovered that if you donate bottlecaps to the church of the Atom you can raise your Karma quickly that way. I had a character as low as she could possibly go, then donated some money on a whim and was suddenly “the savior or mankind” … Of course, that only convinced me I’d never actually have to try and be nice … religion made me a bad person.

December 28, 2009

Oh !!..Pushy Guys !!!…tell me about it !!..iam not in a relationship , but still i hate that pushy attitude , it just turns me off !!! As for the novel , i use to write short stories everynow and then . I have been having lots of ideas and time lately , but iam too lazy to sit and write them down . Ur story sounds of a sci-fi genre , mine usually are romantic drama sort of .

December 28, 2009

id love to write a novel really , it’ll probably be one of these “chik-lit ” sort . U asked about effecient diary , well its good so far . Its supposed to be a planner and u can keep ur journal as well . its free !..& there is this effecient diary PIM which is more of a planner , event organizer and all , u have to subscribe though but there is 30 days trial , u can check it .

December 29, 2009

Content is a GOOD feeling you can be happy when you are content also, or have amazing happy moments…. Everyone has the days they want to strangle the other person and bury them where they can’t be found but that is life… LOL… Hee Hee boys and thier pretty words ::Laughs:: a lot… NO boobie touching… NO NO the little piggy 😉 You will fix that glitch

December 29, 2009

I know you will…. See I read what you wrote nexted a possibly already somewhat fixed… AWESOME name dissappointing… they have no music that hits your soul… 🙁

January 1, 2010

ryn: Yeah, I discovered that thing about buying up karma purely by accident … was near the end of the game and had nothing to do with my bottle caps so decided I’d see what donating got me … a lifesaver of a discovery, let me tell you! You just can’t get through that game without stealing from people!