The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

So, we got in there, and got some epic seats… there was no real stage, but it was right there in front of us, a large open area, and the backdrop area that hides the prop and dressing area… and we were in the front row, five seats from the left and we were right there… and the first thing they did was warned us that everyone in the front row would be asked to participate and then they did a whole big thing about the plays and a bit about Shakespeare’s life.  ::snickers:: I was laughing so damned hard the whole time… I mean, did you know Shakespeare was the main cause of world War II? And he married Anne Hathaway?  ::giggles::

The first play they did was Romeo and Juliet… and it was… Oh god, I laughed so damned hard.  During the Capulet ball, "Romeo" gave me some flowers and started flirting with me, only to take my flowers back to give them to Juliet… that damned tramp. ::giggles:: Oh, did I mention that the whole play was done by three guys? There was just… so many awesome parts to Romeo and Juliet, the death scene almost made me cry because I was laughing so much. 
The second play was Tidus Andr-somethingoranother… which was done as a cooking show… it was s odamned wrong but so damned funny.  Then they did Orthello as a rap, after talking about the fact that they couldn’t do Orthello since none of them were black… the rap was so damned over the top.  Then they combined the 16 comedies into one play… uuhmm… ::thinks:: They did one as a interpative dance… Oh! Then they did all the histories as a football game.   And right before intermission, they did all 121 sonnets, by printing them on a 3×5 card and passing it around.  ::giggles::
Intermission was so much fun too.  ::smiles:: I spent the intermission outside talking with the actors.  They’re fucking awesome… we talked about the play and how much fun I was having and whatnot… and then the last play was Hamlet… and my god… it was amazing.  ^.^ That was the scene I was in.  Podling yawned during the "To Be or Not To Be" speech and the actor who was playing Hamelot was like, "What?! Am I putting you to sleep?  Is my acting boring you?  To nap or not to nap!"  Then they were going to do the "Get thee a nunnery" scene and throughout the whole play there was all sorts of running dialogue between the actors, and one of them decided he "did’t want to do Orphelia" so they dragged me up on stage to prove that "anyone can play Orphelia" because she’s "a simple character."
So I’m standing there, on stage, the actor’s sitting in my seat next to Mom.  I’m told that after the "Get thee to a nunnery" line, all I had to do was scream.  So the line was said, and I screamed.   Aaron (the actor who was in my seat) was saying that I wasn’t nearly as good as he was, because I wasn’t in the character’s head, so they did this huge audience participation thing, and people were screaming things, waving their arms, and then everything stopped, and I had to scream again.  o.o I got hugged and given cheers and thumbs up and yeah… ::giggles:: 
Then at the end of Hamlet, they did it in fast forward (sans the scream), and did it a third time, only backwards. ::snicker::

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March 5, 2010

Sounds like a fun time was had by all. I remember watching something similiar back in high school where five people put on Taming of the Shrew. Every line, scene and what not.