
So, I’ve been idly working on my angelic conflict stories, piecing things together slowly and trying to get the world into focus.

Right now I’m more working on the plots and the characters… their strengths, weaknesses, personalities and the like.

And I realized, while brainstorming here at work that I don’t know what my Lucifer ultimately wants.  Kicked out of Heaven for creating and exercising Free Will (which he spread to the angels and to Adam and Eve like a plague (his words, said in scorn, not mine)), he’s considered a villain, the enemy of all that is good and righteous.  He hates that.  He hates that (in his mind) he delivered angel and man kind from an eternity of servitude and in thanks, he’s reviled.

Does he just want the history books to “get it right?” and to give him the appreciation that he deserves?

Does he want to “become God?” or at least “God-esque?”

Does he want to return to Heaven, and be accepted again by the All Mighty?


I just don’t know as of yet.  He’s not telling me.


In the first of the stories, he fights Heaven for the possession of a Sin Eater, a woman who can take the sin from any creature and allow them entry into Heaven.

In the second, he fights another disgraced angel for the possession of the next incarnation of Jesus upon Earth.

In the third, his Son and the Daughter of God work together to fend off a rogue demon who has found a way to thwart both Heaven and Hell.


But what does he want?


Dammit Lucifer, tell me!


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August 3, 2011

one word, “Plastics.” Thats all I got… good luck >.<

August 3, 2011

What do we all want? Belonging, acceptance, redemption. The path to that depends on how demented you want his approach to be. Heath Ledger’s Joker wants acceptance by convincing others he is right. Voldemort wants acceptance and redemption by being immortal and in control. Sauron was redemption by regaining his great power again. Of course, most want power to get these things.

August 4, 2011

RYN: It’s one volume that is split up into multiple “books.” So, basically, a one-shot. Would you be interested in play-testing a tabletop game I’m developing? My old play-testing group sort of split apart, which is amazing because we played over Skype anyway. The game system is meant to be a combination of GURPS and D&D 4th Ed.

August 4, 2011

When you ask, “What does he want?” I think you’re asking the wrong question. He can want all of these things simultaneously. The key question here is, “How do I convey that?”

August 4, 2011

And yeah, I understand the RPG thing is kind of a random question, but you have RPG-related stuff on the left and I’m trying to get the feeling that I have a group of people I can count on ASAP…

August 5, 2011

Holy crap, “try to break games but am too nice to actually do so,” game-breaking is exactly what I want in a play-tester. Let loose! XD The last game, someone (a wizard) broke the game within eight levels. I’ve re-worked wizards since then.

August 5, 2011

RYN: The game went through a major re-vamp which completely changed certain things work, and I’m still slogging through that, so no. The basic idea is that you have stats, levels, advantages, and disadvantages. Stats, advantages, and disadvantages all relate to the AP system, and levels are all part of the XP system. XP is gained in the standard way, AP is gained through doing especially >>

August 5, 2011

>> neat things like hitting five enemies at once with the same spell, or completing a quest. AP is pretty hard to get, but it allows you to make your character more bad-ass, basically. XP is what you get for practicing a skill or winning a fight. It allows you to learn new combat powers.

August 5, 2011

RYN: Actually, yes, my idea was to have characters get AP for things that would normally get them XP bonuses, including good role-playing. Stats are purchased with AP. You get a certain amount of AP at the start, and you can purchase stats and advantages with them. Disadvantages are things like Lazy Eye or One Arm or Odious Personal Habit, yes, and advantages are mostly things that >>

August 5, 2011

improve rolls or results in certain situations, without fitting into certain classes. Ambidexterity would be an advantage, because it would reduce penalties for two-weapon fighting. Luck would also be an advantage, because it’s a re-roll. On the other hand, gaining a bonus to defenses for a turn when you hit an opponent with your shield is a combat skill, so that’s a Fighter feat.

August 5, 2011

Skills are handled by the AP system. I’m not sure how I’m going to handle Divine magic yet, but I’m thinking there might be a “Power Investiture” advantage you can buy that allows access to divine magic. One thing I know is that I don’t want “Big Gods,” you know, like Thor or Zeus or anything like that. I’m thinking more like you’re bargaining with lesser spirits to get magic that way.

August 5, 2011

Anyway, mental stats are handled a bit differently. As you gain more Knowledge-type skills, you increase a stat called Scholarship, which is the closest thing the game has to an Intelligence stat like D&D. The combat-focused mental stats are Focus and Will. They help you maintain magical effects, or do psionic effects, or defend against psionic effects. Focus also helps reflex defenses.

August 8, 2011

What does Lucifer want? Isn’t that the crux of all religions? No wonder you’re having a hard time figuring it out! RYN: Julia Roberts SUX!