Sleepy, so Sleepy

Woo, the weekend’s over and I’m oozing back to work.

I had a good weekend I think, lots of fun.  Everyone seemed to have enjoyed the RIFTs game, including Podling, so we’re doing it weekly at a small restaurant in Yelm.  Podling’s momma said he can come to it as long as he keeps getting good grades and doesn’t stay out too late.  Speaking of grades, I think I’m going to end up buying him a utilikilt this summer.   He and I had a deal – He gets a 2.0 or better, and I’ll take him to Seattle for a kilt.  He’s currently getting a 3.35 GPA.  I think he set me up – did really  bad last year just so I would make that deal with him.  Also, if he stays good and doesn’t get into trouble over the summer, I’m taking him to the Penny Arcade Expo in September.  That may not sound too hard, but he and his grandpa butt heads on _everything_ so at least this gives him something to look forward to.  

There’s not much to really talk about.  I did some working on my story last night while I watched Kitchen Nightmares with Chef Gordan Ramsay.  It was fun background noise.  I wasn’t in the mood to be on the computer and nothing was showing on the T.V. so I watched BBC America On Demand.  They had an interesting show — Demons on it and I watched that too.  I think I’ll keep an eye on that for the next few weeks.  

Steam had a good sale on games this weekend – I ended up getting about 17 games for 40.00.  I picked up Osmos, which is really relaxing and fun to goof off on.  As well as Braid (awesome 2D platformer), Overlord and Overlord: Raising Hell (really fun game, as long as you ignore the fact that it’s supposed to allow you to be uber evil), Mass Effect (Haven’t tried that one yet), Portal (which is supposed to be a very, very good game), and the complete Sam and Max series (which is like… 11 games, and is so much fun.)  So I’ll have plenty of fun playing them.  I think that’s what I did this weekend, just gamed.  

I went with my mom to buy crickets for Maili’s frogs.  I never realized how ugly crickets were.  She has plenty to feed her little hoppers so hopefully they’ll be happy for a while.  Thomas drowned the last bunch by feeding them an orange.  Yeah.  Crickets are really dumb.  

There’s nothing else really to say.  I think I’m going to go and try to get through another page in my story.  Wooo.

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January 4, 2010

Ryn: Oooh, you’re writing a story!? What’s it about?

January 4, 2010

RYN: I understand what you mean about the negative side of working in a game shop. Which is why it’s a second job that A.) supports my geek habits (games, comics, and whatnot) and B.) helps out my friends that own the place. Ah, PAX, I really should look up when it’s going to come to the east coast and try to set up some vacation time to attend.

January 4, 2010

Play Mass Effect – Love Mass Effect – Buy Mass Effect 2. That is pretty much how my experience with the game has gone, anyway. (though I won’t get to buy #2 until the end of the month) Overlord was fun but you’re not evil enough, really.

January 5, 2010

Ryn: Hopefully you’re right! Well her Mum has agreed to it, I just have to ask mine 🙂 And the story you’re writing sounds fantastic!

January 5, 2010

Filing I shall be back to note asap on the last four entries

January 5, 2010

ps before I go kilt are AWESOME