
These recap entries would be a whole lot simpler if I actually post when I want to, as opposed to just leaving the half-written entry in the box and go on to other things.

Tuesday was Court’s birthday, so I called him up in the morning and we talked for an hour or so.  Around 10 or so I got a phone call from the Radiologist saying that they had a referral from my physician and wanted me there to do x-rays and a few CAT scans on my stomach and bladder and whatnot due to the fact that I had blood in my urine when I took my physical a few months back.  So they tell me it’ll take about an hour or so and they have an opening at 12:45, and then one at 3:30.  I took the 12:45 one. 

So, 12:15 or so I left the house, and was at the radiologists before my appointment… went in, did paperwork, waited in the waiting room etc.  The whole appointment, from signing the paperwork to leaving took me only 35 or so minutes.  The only high point was the fact that the machine looks like a giant doughnut. O.o I giggled because it was so lewd. 

Got out of there with enough time to stop at IHOP before hitting the therapist.  The foods was good, except I think onion gives me indigestion, sadness.

The talk therapy was good.  We did a lot of talking and she gave me some things to think on.  I’ll see her again next month.

Courtenay had a game that night, so I tried my best to leave him alone so he could focus.  Apparently his cross-dressing elf had issues staying on his horse. ::snicker:: I had to bite my tongue from making mutiple bad comments about that. 

Wednesday was interesting.  I didn’t even realize it was Saint Patty’s day till I went down to the Employee Dining Room (EDR) and saw green pudding and corned beef and cabbage for lunch.  I had chicken and rice.  I have a lot of chicken and rice at work.  I survived work pretty easily, in fact, this whole week was pretty easy for work survivability.  

After I got out of work I went to the cafe for the game, only to find out that the cafe that we usualy game at was closed… So we were standing in the parking lot, trying to figure out where we were going to go to game at… it was coldish outside so we didn’t want to hang outside very long, not if we could help it.  About the time that we were getting ready to go, the owner came out and told us that he couldn’t give us any hot food, but he could let us in to play and whatnot.  So we went inside and sat down.  No one had characters made, even after I told them over a week ago to get them made. ::laughs:: so we spent the whole game time making characters since everyone’s old characters were stolen by my brother.  When we got inside, the owner told me we were on the honor system and to tell him how many drinks we ended up getting… so I served everyone drinks and kept a tally and we talked and worked on the characters and the like.  

Court’s present made it to him that day, so I got to call him and ask what he thought about it… apparently he liked Percival, which is a good thing… I wasn’t sure if he’d appreciate my taste in gifts.  Maybe if I ask him nicely, he’ll post his picture of the gift… it was a hand painted, hand carved wooden dragon that looks… interesting… to say the least.  He definitely had character, which is what I look at in gifts like that.  Apparently Podling figures that since I’m dating Courtenay, it means that he gets stuff too.  While we were on the phone, Podling leaned in and told Court that he "likes my dice, but wants his set to be black." ::laughs:: I love that little brat.

After we left the cafe, Matt and I were driving home, doing the normal chatting and hanging out thing when he realized that the brakes weren’t working… that was… well… it was fucking scary, that’s what it was.  We’re driving down the main road, bout 45 miles per hour, light’s red and Matt hits the brakes, only to have nothing happen.  I think that was the first time I’ve heard him really cuss.  We almost got hit but came out unscathed – he was epic, the way he handled it… cussed and whatnot, but didn’t panic like I would have.  We were in the parking lot of a coffee shop not too long afterwards.  After I stopped panicing, he called AAA for a tow truck, and I called Guppy for a ride home.  Guppy was epic and rescued me.  Matt got home not too long afterwards, which is good.  I called Court to let him know I was home and safe and whatnot and then curled up for sleep.

Yesterday was just… a day.  Work was good – although Brenda’s giving herself enough rope to make a noose with.  Which doesn’t bother me any, to be honest.  Guppy drove me home from work so I got home early.  I chilled with Mom for most of the evening, until she went to sleep, and then I curled up and read and made it to bed earlyish, only to be awoken in the middle of the night by a nightmare.  I tried calling Court and he was snoozing too deep to hear the phone, so I ended up calling Brandon and he talked with me for a few before I dozed back off.  Court called at about 5 this morning and we talked for an hour and a half or so till I had to get up and get ready for work… that was really really nice… I don’t think I’ve felt this good after a nightmare in a while.  

Work’s going to be good, and then after work’ll be even better.  ::laughs:: Picking up Podling and hanging out. woot woot.

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March 19, 2010


March 20, 2010

Re: Unfortunately, he’s opposite of the west coast! =( He lives in southern Ontario. It’s only about a 5.5 hour drive from where I live now, thank goodness.