Random Pictures *edit*

**I changed the hosting of the pictures, so I’m hoping that they’ll show up now. ::crosses her fingers::**


 Okay… piccies!


Sooo, first off… Pictures of me, I suppose. O.o 


With glasses!

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Without Glasses!  This picture actually made me think about going back to contacts, I forgot how good I looked without glasses. ::chuckles:: 

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And the quilts!


This is the white/black/red baby quilt.  It’s a Log cabin.  It’s actually black on black, white on white, and then a solid red.  

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A closeup of a block.  You can kind of see the three different patterns in the cloth, and the quilting lines that Mom did.  

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The "ugly quilt" as my aunt dubbed it.  This is the quilt that I’ve already claimed as the baby quilt for my first daughter.  The quilt was put together by my grandmother before she died… each of the animals is actually hand stitched by her.  There’s actually three or four of these quilts that were put together,  but this was the only one that the hand work was finished.  I’ve offered to do the hand work on all the others… none of the other ones have pink backgrounds. 

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A closeup of the porcipine and the hippo on the quilt… the quills on the porcipine are all hand stitched.

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Another close up of the hand work.  


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This is a random quilt that my great aunt pieced and gave to Mom and me to quilt.  I’ve not a clue what we’re going to do with it once it’s quilted.  Great Aunt Shirley suggested that we sell it… but I doubt we’d do that… we’ll probably save it and pass it on to someone who we think it’d belong with.


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A closeup of some of the work on the extra quilt.  

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I’m expecting three more baby quilts to be delivered within the week, as soon as I get those, I’ll take pictures of ’em too. ^-^ 

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March 29, 2010

ryn: She is definitely interesting. Stressful, but interesting. And thanks! It took me forever to come up with, so I’m glad I’m the only one who likes it haha.

March 29, 2010

Hmmmm…i’m only seeing the two pics of you…not the ones of the quilts! You’re lovely by the way. You remind me of this girl I went to elementary school with named Sandra. Hmmmm ha. At any rate…my grandmother has already made all the grandchildren new quilts. They’re put away for when the next family reunion comes along. They’re in order from oldest to youngest. I have three. Agreen one, a pink one and a blue one. They are so awesome and I can’t wait to get my new one!! take care :D! ~♥~

March 29, 2010

I was just buggin’ about the absolution thang 😛 I’m funny like that.

March 30, 2010

Makani’s quilt is cute. love. I can imagine her sleeping under it right now. *smiles* And there’s so much love put into already, that it will just grow when you work on it. You look gorgeous with or without glasses, dear. And even if you do get contacts agains, I certainly hope that you keep your glasses as well. You already know that I have a thing for girls with glasses, of course that could just be the geek in me. ^_~ Love you, dear. Take care and be safe today.

March 30, 2010

The quilt pictures aren’t working for meeeeee =( But you are lovely! Your hair is looooong! <3

March 30, 2010

The quilt pictures aren’t working for meeeeee =( But you are lovely! Your hair is looooong! <3

March 30, 2010

Ah, but alas – I have enough drama to wash away the need for setting folks ablaze. -CF

March 31, 2010

Oh my, you are really really pretty! And I want you hair please! 🙂

March 31, 2010

Oh gosh.. I absolutey ADORE that God’s critters quilt… so AWESOME. I want one for my kid too! XD You are doing such an amazing job.

March 31, 2010

ryn: yeah I know what you mean, that kind of silence is really awkward and I hate it too, but the one I’ve been enjoying is quite different and as long as it’s not getting in the way of things I’m fine with it. by the way, i really liked the one with animals, I actually saved its picture on my pc 🙂

April 5, 2010

*random* Hey, Your cute. now that thats out of the way. Nice blankets. they look pretty.