Quick Game Related Note

 Just wanted to get this down so I can work on the ideas later… it’ll probably make sense to a few people at best.


Possible Encounter:

Party comes up on a pack of dogboys (1D6+2) who are harassing/attacking what seems to be a solo magic user.  If the party goes up to investigate, they set off an ambush consisting of 1D4 Psi-Stalkers and 3D6 Skelebots.  If investigated or any survivors questioned, party will find out that the ambush one of many such groups set up in order to catch Cyber-Knights and other enemies of they Coalition helping magic users.  Magic user turns out to be either a hologram, psi-stalker in disguise, or possible other soldier type.



Party has to bypass Coalition troops (unknown number for now… check in Coalition Wars as to possible size of a force or two), including multiple parties of Coalition Mages / Psi-Stalkers / Psionists.  When party reaches Tolkeen, they find the shield up except for one place where it’s been breached.  (Possibly pick up radio transmissions about breach?  Will have to see) If Party ends up going into shield (possibly caught and uses that as a place to hide?) then they end up caught in Tolkeen mage’s spell.  Mages have found a way to twist space (by accident?) and while trying to bury the city entirely into the ground to preserve it, have turned it into an M.C. Escher drawing.   Twisting all occurs outwards from one central point.  


Real entry tomorrow… gotta sleep before I spend all night working on this. ::laughs:: Will also have to tell Mom tomorrow what I came up with.

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January 8, 2010

Sounds like it could be interesting and possibly even deadly if the rolls don’t go the way the need to go. But that’s part of the excitement in taking up the dice and roleplaying.

January 8, 2010

RYN: But according to all the issues of KoDT that I’ve read, the players usually have it out for the GM. And yeah, the Nazi innuendo was a bit over the line. And I so wanted to say some smart-@$$ comment to it. And I doubt that I would have suffer any negative circumstances due to it.

January 8, 2010

RYN: Now I’m waiting for the maniacal laughter on your part. Muhahahaha! And the latest issue of Knights arrived this week, I can’t wait to actually sit down and read it this weekend.

January 8, 2010

Ryn: Hahaa, thanks for that 🙂

January 8, 2010

RYN: I collect way too many comics and should really cut back some. But I’m really big into pretty much anything that Zenescope Entertainment publishes, which are darker versions of Grimm’s Fairy Tales (the way that they were meant to be. Along with most of what Vertigo puts out, such as some of their recent titles like Unwritten (imagine a real life Harry Potter and how he deals with life) andGreek Street (a modern retelling of Oedipus). And yes, I too read the Dark Tower comics, along with the Stand ones. But I have no opinion on the whole DC vs Marvel debate. They each have their pros and cons, so neither is better than the other in a be all/end all sort of way. I enjoy both, and really that’s the way it should be.

January 8, 2010

RYN: The Stand ones aren’t bad, they serve as a prequel to the novel itself. Introducing characters to one another and so on, sort of like what the Dark Tower has been doing. The first Unwritten trade was released this past week, and the good news about Vertigo is that the first trades of their series are usually $9.99. Greek Street should be out soon as well, I’d say in about a month or so. Grimm Fairy Tales can be down right dark and moody at times. And they don’t just do Grimm Brothers stories either, there have been two part renditions of Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Pinnochio. Much darker than the Disney movies to say the least. If you ever want anything, I’m sure that the shop I work in would ship you what you want.

January 8, 2010

RYN: PCs vs the world. Is there any other way to play a RPG? Now I can imagine a small hamlet of people rushing out and destroying their characters. Muhahahaha! I totally need to start GMing again.

RYN: I’m doing both, but with more focus on historical stuff. Mostly, I’m reading up about political philosophy, because it will be the major topic of 2 of my classes for this coming semester. I just want to know everything I can about politics at this point. And I know exactly what you mean.. When I went back to school and people called me Kristi, I kept thinking- Are they talking to me?

January 8, 2010

RYN: I almost chose the name PhoenixRising. The speed is for her. The steps are for me. I have to do this. Having something real to hold onto would be great, not going to lie about that. I’m just scared for her. Thank you.

January 27, 2010

rifts. sweet. haven’t thought about this in ages. ~