Productivity Rocks

 Today’s been oddly productive.

I didn’t go to work today, because I had my therapist appointment at 11:30.  But I woke up around 6 anyways and talked to Courtenay while he was on break.  That was a nice way to start the morning.  About that time Mom texted me (she says she heard me talking upstairs) and asked for Court’s WoW info so she could play for a while.  I watched her play and talked for a little while until she was ready to head to sleep.  Courtenay called while he was on his second break and we talked for the fifteen or so minutes till he had to go finish his workday.  That was about what? 8 am or so?  Bout this time I got really bored and antsy.  I figured that since mom was offering to cook this week, the least I could do was to clean the kitchen and get it all nice and prettied up for her.  It wasn’t all that hard, Maili had cleaned it really well when she did the whole cleaning thing.  So I did that, scrubbed and washed dishes, etc.  In fact, I think I might end up going and emptying the dishwasher in a few, just to finish up in there.  After I finished the kitchen, I swept everything up and took the old monitor out to the garage to store it until we could take it to the electronic recycling / graveyard place.  I set up the sewing machine and tried to get it to work.  Didn’t work.  ::sighs and kicks it:: I think it hates me.

Mom’s got a coworker that she can get a sewing machine from on a temp basis.  That’ll be good, because I have two quilts to do the bindings on. 
Well, after I finished messing around with the sewing machine, I got a phone call from the therapist office.  They wanted to reschedule my appointment AGAIN and started out with "Well, we can see you tomorrow…?"  And when I politely told Gail (the receptionist) that I couldn’t do that, she rescheduled me for 2:30 today.  Wow.  Okay.  Thanks.  After that, Mom woke up and Court called again, so we three talked while I started puttering around.  I ended up grabbing the blue quilt and started to stretch it to pin it together… only to find out we didn’t have any tape left from the last quilt that we stretched.  And mom was out of coffee, so mom and I ran to the store, got coffee and tape and mailed out Maili’s old phone so that Tmobile can fix it and whatnot, and on the way home I decided to eat at one of the mobile Mexican food places… Momma calls it a "Roach Coach" which isn’t the most PC name out there, but it had goooood food.  I had a yummy torta.  
Came home, ate, and had just enough time to jump in the shower before running off to my appointment.  The one hour appointment turned into 40 minutes because she took 20 minutes to get to me, but meh.  It was alright.  I find that with as much as I talk and discuss things with Court, the need to offload to the therapist is less.  She did give me some good advice about my father though, and I’m going to think on it.  Maybe one of these days I’ll see about taking it.  
Dashed back home and asked mom to help me stretch the quilt… she taught me how to do it easily, or at least, in an easier way than I was doing.. then she napped, and I called Hollie and started pinning the quilt.  Hollie and I are going to hang out… well, Hollie, her hubby, Mom, and Me, are going to hang out on Friday.  We’re going to work on quilts… she wants to learn how to do them and how to use her sewing machine, so Mom and I have a special project that we’re going to work on with her.  ^-^ 
Wheee… checking out the audio / video specs of a computer I’m going to be buying. ^___^ I just had a nerdgasm. 

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