OMGWTFBBQ! ::brain frazzles::
I apologize in advance for any and all "squee"ing that may take place in this entry.
So. First off. Today’s epic.
Totally Fucking Epic.
Decided last night that I wanted to dress up today… skirt, cute shirt, makeup, the whole nine yards. So I bought makeup. Makeup was on sale by like… 40% last night. Woot woot! Love cheap!
Court was making sad noises this morning when we were on the phone while I was getting dressed. He’s so sure that some guy here will see how attractive I am and run off with me. Pshaw, as if.
Mom did put my hair up in pigtails today. Since I’m still uncoordinated enough that I can’t do that for myself.
And I do have a picture of me in my makeup and such. I’ll post that later. I think I look good – don’t have much on, just enough to highlight my eyes. Oo… and sparkily lip gloss.
But the big awesome happened after I got to work.
I was sitting in the EDR like i usually do in the morning, talking to Guppy and eating my cereal (Cinnamon Toast Crunch today, no Lucky Charms) and on the T.V. they were talking about how today and tomorrow there’s some awesome deals on air fare to selected cities and whatnot for the end of spring / beginning of summer. I just had to check.
Got upstairs. Turned on my computer. Zoomed around the airlines they were talking about (Jet Blue, Frontier, and Air Tran) and found it.
A ticket from Seattle to Boston (bout 3-4 hours from Courtenay).
104.00 each way.
250 dollars total. With taxes.
I danced.
On May 4th, at around 10:30 pm, I’ll be stepping off of the plane and into his arms. One week. We’ll have almost a full week together before I come back here.
I’ll be seeing him in aproximately 41 days.
Now I get to figure out how to tell Mom.
Just tell her you’re thinking of entering a covenant with a church in the Boston area. That should work, no? …well you didn’t have any bloody ideas either! -CF
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That’s totally awesome and i’m completely jealous. can’t wait to see the pic!
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Ryn: That book sounds really good! I’m gonna try and order it to the library, and have a read. Oh and thanksssss, about the maths thing. You sound really happy! And I am very happy for you!
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I just have to say this: SQUEE! And I think that your mother will understand, dear. Just bring her a plush cow to sweeten her mood a little before telling her. Love you, my sweet.
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Say you are coming to visit me
i am only 2 1/2 hours from there.. no one has to know…
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Well, whatever you must do to make it work I suppose. -CF
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=)! I’m excited for you two!
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ryn: Haha, running around like a chicken is basically what I do, though surprisingly, because the library is small, there is still some down time. Which is really what keeps me sane. Thanks for the welcome back! It feels so good to be back on this site!
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Yay!! That is so cool!!!
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