Oh Em Gee! Drama!

 This weekend was a good one.  

Work sucked last week… like… really sucked.  I couldn’t concentrate.  I was having really bad sleeping problems; couldn’t get to sleep, couldn’t stay asleep, and when I finally did get to sleep, I slept way too deeply.  If it wasn’t for having drivers who knew when I got off the bus, I would have missed my stop a few times because I couldn’t stay awake and couldn’t wake up on my own.  

At work I was tired.  So very, very, tired.  And I couldn’t even begin to concentrate how I should have.  Which means I had really long and unproductive days.  The whole week was like this.  And now I’m about a week behind in my work so I’m going to have to run to catch up. And it doesn’t help that I slept way too hard on Friday and actually was an hour late for work.  I told them my car broke down.  

Today’s going to be a huge catchup day.  I’m going to start with finishing up what I was doing last week, and then work on pulling tip reports from the weekend’s Food and Beverage department.  Then I’m going to work on getting ahead of my partner again in slots, and hop back and forth on reports.  God, I hope I can get some serious work done, I hate the fact that Kristal feels she has to work Saturdays in order to keep us afloat.  I also hate the fact that it seems to be the group of favorites that get all the OT.  But that’s neither here nor there, I’m sure if I asked, the boss would give some OT to me.  

Anyways, this weekend.

Saturday I got up around 10ish (after not going to sleep till late Friday) and since Mom was asleep I figured I’d do something quiet till she got up (she sleeps in the living room a lot, likes watching T.V. before she crashes, and since that’s where my computer is, along with my table for writing and such, I spend a lot of time in there too).  For some weird reason that woman can sleep through the most ungodly noisy video games but if I start talking on the phone or to myself or anything, she’s awake nearly instantly.  So I amused myself with playing Fallout 3… which I turned down a bit so that I wasn’t being totally inconsiderate. 

Around 1 or so, my friend Hillary texted me to let me know that she and Andu were hanging out and wanted to know if I was doing anything.  I told her I wasn’t and they offered to meet me at the Thriftway near my house.  So I hopped in and out of the shower, woke up Mom and we zoomed over to the Thriftway so I could buy her a mocha and then head off with Hillary and Andu.  His given name is Andrew, but I’ve known him for ages and ages (13 years now) and call him by the petname.  He doesn’t mind. It’s a name that only I can get away with calling him.  Well, Andu’s been off in Afganistan for a while, so this was the first time I could spend time talking to him since he’s deployed.  Side note: Mom hates Hillary.  She’s too loud and drama-filled for my quiet, geeky mother to handle.

But yeah, we went to Hillary’s house and played with her son for a while, and then hopped over to the movie theater because Andu found out I haven’t seen Sherlock Holmes yet.  We bought tickets for the 6pm showing, which wasn’t starting for a few hours, and then stopped at Safeway for some snacks before the movie.  We spent those two hours talking about this and that and I found out why I love the fact that I’m in Olympia and don’t talk to much of the old group… it’s still filled with High School drama.  I wonder if many of them ever really grew up.

For example, the Andu x Tracy x Toby x Heather drama that’s going on now.

Andu was dating Tracy.  He deployed to Afganistan.

While Andu was off doing military stuff, Tracy was fucking around with Toby, who’s his best friend.

Andu comes back and Tracy goes back to being the perfect girlfriend; anything that anyone says gets chalked up to "they’re jealous."

Toby starts seeing Heather.

Tracy and Heather talk, Heather mentions some dude in Texas or something.

Tracy goes to Toby and tells him that Heather’s cheating on him with an LDR.

Toby breaks off the relationship with Heather (who’s preggers with his kid)

Tracy breaks up with Andu.

Tracy and Toby hook up.

Toby tries to get Heather to abort their child.


Yeaaaah…. all sorts of drama.  I think I still have a notepad filled with it from high school; I was writing a whole bunch of short skits/stories about all the drama that my group had.  I, luckily, was never involved.  In fact, I make a point not to date within the circle so that I didn’t have anyone able to say anything about my relationships.  It’s a lot more amusing when you have no personal stake in what’s going on.

But anyways, I got caught up on all the latest relationship drama and then we went to go see Sherlock Holmes, which was a good movie, but not what I was really expecting/wanting.  I enjoyed it and enjoyed the company.

Sunday was spent playing Fallout 3 and working on editing my novel.  Sandy, the HR Training Specialist here at work gave me a book that I’m going to use for the next rewrite; it’s called "Self-Editing for Fiction Writers" and I read the first chapter and can already think of a million ways I want ot change my story.  It’s going to be a bitch, but it’s also going to be good.

Tonight I’m going out with Andu, Hill, and I get to meet Heather… so it’s going to be more trying not to laugh/roll my eyes as everyone goes on about the latest development.

I seriously need to write myself a drama-bound book.  Just to laugh at later.

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January 11, 2010

Wow. That pretty much covers a season of soap operas. LOL

January 11, 2010

To go along with the above note, which one of them has an evil twin or split personality?

January 11, 2010

RYN: Oh gawd, if they decided to do a prequel about Randall Flagg/Marten/all the other characters he is, they would have enough for another entire mini-series. And unfortunately, I have not had a chance to play Paranoia, though I do hear that it is a lot of fun and rather interesting. I really should look into getting a copy of it to read and try to talk the group into it.

January 11, 2010

*ryn* Unfortunately not everyone thinks like us,lol. Vaccines are a MIRACLE don’t ya know?

January 11, 2010

Actually, this time aruond, i had enough sense to bring one of my awesome fuzzy blankets down with me. so yes, it was awesome and fuzzy.

January 11, 2010

I liked Sherlock Holmes, I thought it was a nice marriage of the intellectual Holmes stories and modern action flick, with some comedy tossed in for good measure. “Dr. House as Holmes” once reviewer dubbed it and I tend to agree in large part.

January 12, 2010

I so can’t wait to get home and READ this and not skim it… Hee Hee… I shall talk to you VERY VERY soon

January 12, 2010

Aww… poor Heather. On top of all of that, and that guy told her to get an abortion. What a *insert REALLY bad word here*. I hope you wake up! I have been having problems with that too lately. Fallout 3 is great, I wish I had a 360 again. =(

January 12, 2010

Ryn: Haha! I should have done! And yeah, he’s a good teacher 🙂 …I am nottttt photogenic in the slightest 😐 I just like taking photo’s (: And oh my godddd, that does sound like a lot of drama. Good luck with your novel!

January 13, 2010

Also, I’ve been wanting to play Persona 3 for a loooong time. What’s it like?

January 13, 2010

Ryn: Oh goddd, 24 inches of snow and you wasn’t off work? That’s terrible! haha. I’m surprised you weren’t snowed into your house.