Nothing, Really

I am getting really bad about not posting.  I’ll do the Music posts soon, probably after I get home from tonight’s game.

I upped the dosage on the Drestyl or whatever it’s called – My doc said I could take up to 3 tablets before bedtime, I’m up to 2… and the weird dreams have stopped.  I don’t know if I’m relieved or if I’m sad bout that.  Still not waking up in the middle of the night, but the downside is I think I slept through my alarm this morning. I should definitely go to bed earlier.

I got suckered into finishing the current plot line in the freeform game last night .  Which is fine, except for the fact that last night I was counting on having time to work on the RIFTs game… so I’m going to have to throw things together today.  And I have two new players coming in.  Both games are full up on people.  I think I’m going to take the rest of the week to rest and go without gaming.  ::laughs:: I feel odd saying that.

I called the EAP (Employee Assistance Provider/Program or somethin like that) and talked to them about setting up counseling.  So I have a list of five counselors that are both on my EAP and my health insurance.. so I’ll be covered – I just have to figure out what one to call to start seeing.  Whee.

I think that’s all that’s really happening.

I’m sleepy, and work stinks.  ::nod::

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February 10, 2010

ME 1 and 2 aree both awesome. beat them many time now, haha. Paradiso and Purgatorio are more preachy then the Inferno, it was during Dante’s exile that he was finding himself, and how do you follow up hell? The obvious path there is then the preachy mix of it all. Espicialy since everything is peachy keen there, being paradise, lol.