Not Steady

I’m here. I am.

Last night, when I went up to sleep, Court and I noticed that Tubba was acting strange… she was crouched in the corner, all huddled and waif looking.  I held her and pet her and Court worried and we moved her cage over to my nightstand, next to the bed.  I kept an ear out for her all night.  Court came in at 6:30 this morning and we checked in on her… and she’s worse.  She’s walking in circles, falling over, and just… she’s not good.  Of course, we told Mom, and we held her and let mom hold her while we prepared a new cage downstairs for her to rest in.  We’re debating on whether or not we should take her to the vet.  If Mom wants to, I’ll do it…. I’ll even go out and get a payday loan to pay for it.  

Mom’s tore up.  Completely tore up, crying and worried.  Court’s worried.

And me?

Me?  I don’t know.  I’m worried.  I’m not crying and upset like Mom is, but I think I’m hurting and worried.  I don’t know though, I don’t know at all, but it’s sad to see her dottering around.  I just… I don’t know. 

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