My Friends are Epic!

So first, work.  Work was good. Spent an hour at a "training" meeting… well, I slept through most of it.  In fact, Kristal had to poke me to wake me up a few times.  It was for a program that I won’t use for ages, if ever, and I didn’t understand anything really, so I napped.

Talked to Brandon for a little while, which was nice.  

After work, I went out with Hillary and Hollie.  We went to Izzy’s and munched at the buffet while talking about life and whatnot.  I guess Mormon Boy (My nickname for Hollie’s husband.. since the only thing I knew about him when she started dating him was that she met him at the church dance is amused by the fact I still call him that) is extremely happy about the fact that after two years of marriage, they’re finally having a baby.  The only downside they can think of is that they don’t have as much money as they’d like, but they’re talking about switching jobs or at least departments in order to make sure they get enough to live off of while Holl has her baby.

After dinner, they dropped me off at home, and promised to come by on Sunday and i got inside and found a box from Burn.My.Dread.  It was filled with comics. ^____^ I got one that looks to be completely new (issue 0, actually) called Legends: The Enchanted, 4 issues of Grimm Fairy Tales (Volume One of Short Story Collection, Pinocchio, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty & the Beast), and a hardcover trade called HexeD.  So I know what I’m going to do this weekend. ^___^ 

I just read Legends and HexeD… they’re fucking awesome.  I totally _need_ the rest of the Legends stuff.  Hehehe. Court, could you keep an eye out for that for me? It says the trade should be out in Spring this year – I’ll be sure to send the money for it. 

I say it again, my friends rock. 

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February 26, 2010

Thus why I love Klosterman. He’s amazing. Oh, and Grimm is awesome. -CF

February 26, 2010

Legends is going to be coming out in trade format only in a few months, so when it shows up at the shop I’ll pick two copies up, ’cause you know that I’m going to want one as well. And your welcome again.