
I’m in a very tactile mood today.

I want to touch, to feel. 

It’s not the frenzied mood that I was in years ago, when I was wanting to reaffirm my existance.  That was a whirlwind of sensation, of proving to myself that this was real, that I was real.  No.

This is a sensual sort of mood. 

My mind keeps drifting off to thoughts of physical sensations.  Someone didn’t help this at all (You know who you are!). 

It’s not sex that I’m wanting right now, not fully.  It’s touch.  It’s the feel of skin against my own, of hands through my hair.  I want to feel breath across my neck and a heartbeat under my hand.

I’m hypersensitive right now.  It’s amusing, but it’s also… well… not.

I turn my head quickly and my hair brushes over my arm, sending a shiver down my spine.

The AC turned on, and I gasped at the feel of the cool air brushing over my cheek and down my neck.

I’m going to go home and a hot bath with my bath oils.  I have a few candles I can light too, and some good, soft music to play.  I’ll dress in satins and lace and lounge in my bed and spend the evening reading. 

Maybe I can write a new erotica story, while I’m at it.  It’s definitely a sensual night.

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March 10, 2010

I feel that way sometimes too. It’s nice but at the same time frustrating if sig. other isn’t there.

I honestly never know what to do when I’m in those moods. It sounds so pathetic and childlike, but I tend to give lots of hugs on those days. They are also awesome days for writing.. something about being hypersensitive sparks creativity.

March 10, 2010

I wish I felt things in such a manner. Life sometimes just seems too straightforward here.