
 I’m tired.  I don’t know why I’m so tired, but I am.

This weekend was good – Podling and I had an awesome time.  We didn’t do much of anything — just kind of relaxed and watched T.V., played video games and relaxed.  

There’s nothing much to say.  We had a great time and whatnot.  We didn’t do much talking aside from banter and bullshit.  We did chat about Court for a little, but nothing was really said, if that makes sense.  

 We didn’t get to the whole making of dream catchers – Michael’s only had one brass hoop and we only had the money to pick up one color of leather.  Podling’s heading to Yakima and his mom promised to pick up more supplies from there so we can hang out on Spring Break.  I think I’ve decided that he’s definitely spending a good part of his spring break over here — he and his grandfather have been fighting a lot lately… It started when his grandfather started bitching that he didn’t know why Podling liked coming over to our house and why he can’t just stay home and do shit around the house — his grandmother actually took up for him and said that he liked coming over here because we actually let him do things and he actually gets treated like a person, instead of a dog or something.  ::shrug:: I don’t mind having him over as long as he just relaxes and hangs with me.  Mom says it’s weird having another person who ‘takes up space’ but meh, she doesn’t mind. 

Today was a good enough day.  I got ready for work, and got dropped off at the bus station.  Courtenay called me for a few while he was on break and we talked a little.  The ride to work was otherwise uneventful, except for the fact that one of the semi-regulars gave me a book called Morgan’s Run to read. She says it’s good, it looks to be a historical romance novel, which I’m quite happy reading, specially since I just finished the book I had picked up last night (randomly took it from my bookshelf), and am about halfway through The Way of Shadows.  I should have that finished within the next day or two, I’m taking my time with it.  Okay, to be honest, I’m only reading it while I’m in bed… so it’s being read in small chucks, fits and starts and the like.

Work itself was alright, it was productive like most Mondays tend to be.  I completed the audits for the 12th through the 16th (not as awesome as it sounds, 95% of each of those audits were finished, I just had to do the final touches to them), as well as broke apart the bags for the 16th through the 19th.  I’m hoping to get caught up before the end of the week, or at least, able to get started on some of my reports and the like.  I’m beginning to feel the burn again… ::rubs her forehead:: I’m so damned tired right now.  It’s only 8pm and yet I’m thinking about curling up and sleeping.  

I’ve twisted my foot three times today, just stumbling and whatnot.  I’ll be walking and then next thing I know my foot’s twisted… not my ankle, my foot itself.  So it’s not happy with me.  I poked at it a little today.  And speaking of injuries… I’ve woken up the last two nights with cuts on my hands… no clue why I’m cutting myself or if I’m doing it on purpose or whatnot while sleeping.  It’s almost as though my sub-conscience wants me to hurt or something.  I’d almost be worried except i haven’t been dreaming in red, so I don’t think it’s that.  

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately.  Not sure what all about, but there’s been a lot of it.  The future’s got me preoccupied, as does my writing.  There’s two story ideas that I have bouncing in my head right now, along with the want… no… the need to work on a story that I had abandoned not too long ago.  I might actually post up some of my prose.  I’m almost in the mood to write and share.  


Maybe I can be persuaded. ::grin::

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March 23, 2010

*grins* Please post some of your writing, dearie. You know how much I want to read some of the things that you’ve written. And when I get over there I’m going to lounge in bed and read some of your choicest pieces. I’ll see about calling you again this morning, if I can take my break at the proper time. Then of course we can alwasy talk for a bit when you go on break. Plus there’s always tonight since I don’t have a game this evening. I’d rub your foot and try to make it feel better, love. I don’t want to see you in pain, no matter how small. I love you, Chris. And I can’t wait to talk with you again in a little bit. All my love, Courtenay

March 23, 2010

Be careful. Also, historical romance sounds EXTRA AWESOME and I’d love to read a historical romance novel… historical romance is like the epitome of romance! teehee Also, thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it. You and Court both.

March 23, 2010

You don’t have to know much about the cars to appreciate them. They are simply awesome pieces of engineering. Most modern cars actually have LESS power than some of the ‘vintage’ cars. The neat factor? Improvements component weight, braking, suspension geometry, data acquisition and tires coax the modern cars to lap times that are actually quicker. Er, sorry. I’m babbling ^_^ -CF