March Already?

 I can definitely tell that work has a very negative effect on my mood. 

I’ve been in a great mood all week up until Sunday.  I wasn’t in a bad mood Sunday night, I just wasn’t in a great one.  I was a lot less happy and a lot more pensive, to say the least.  Hell, I described it to Brandon as just feeling "off," which was mostly right.  I’m trying not to fall into the self fulfilment of prophesy thing that I was always falling into – so I didn’t allow myself to dwell on it, or think bad, but it was just this nagging little thing at the back of my head that wouldn’t go away.

But it’ll be an alright day.  I already know what I’m doing – we’re behind and it’s End of Month time, so that means it’s a serious scramble to get all of our work caught up so we can get it posted.  I’m also still behind in my reports, since I haven’t had time to do them and when I finally did get to the point of being caught up, I was out for a week and nothing got done in my absence.  Which doesn’t bother me too much, since it’s Kristal and me working on everything, and she had to take some time out because her daughter got uber sick.  I do have a feeling it’s going to be a whole day of being practicly ignored, which I think I can handle.  I’ll just make sure I bring my good headphones with me to work tonight.

I bought tickets to the play this weekend – so it is official, I am going.  Naomi’s mother convinced her that she really should go – said that Alice in Wonderland would be around longer than the play, and that even though she’ll be missing out on the day the movie gets into theaters, she wouldn’t want to miss going to the play, since it’s bound to be interesting.  I agree, and I’m uber happy that Podling allows himself to get dragged around, and that Naomi’s coming too.  I feel like my aunt. 

Louise always took all the kids in the family to things like this – hell, she still does.  When we went down to visit, she took us to Trinity Church which is the oldest church in her area and we walked around to see the Tiffany stained glass windows.  I guess I can’t say that I’m adopted – I’m doing the same thing, taking kids to interesting places I find around my area.  

Speaking of interesting places – Arts Walk is coming up in April.  I think I’m going to talk to Podling about going with us there too.  I’ll bring my camera this time and we’ll have more time to roam around.  Maybe we’ll go Friday evening like Mom and I usually do, and Podling and I can see about going for the Procession of the Species on Saturday.  He’ll like it – it’s a parade where everyone dresses up in homemade costumes of animals.  I think next year Podling and I will see about signing up to be in the parade. ::grin:: he’ll like that.  I’ll dress him up like a skunk or something.  The best thing about it, is that nothing motorized is allowed.  The floats are all either pushed, pulled, or otherwise propelled by people.  So there’s a lot of ingenunity – floats built in bicycles, floats built around wagons, floats that are built around two bicycles that almost crash all the time… yeah, lots of fun.  And they give out chalk.  So you can draw in the streets while waiting.  I love the parade. ^-^ 

But yeah.  Life is very life like right now, and I’m just kind of coasting along.  I get to go and tell Dan I need to take yet more short days for my doc appointments – I have to leave at 2:45 on Friday for my doc appointment, and on the 16th I have to leave at.. uhm… Oh shit.  I forgot what time my appointment was for my psych doc.  I’ll have to look at my little card.  Hopefully by that time the FMLA kicks in and I won’t have to feel guilty every time I need to ask to leave a little bit early so I can make it to an appointment.

Le sigh.

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March 1, 2010

Life is dull for me too. Gosh, going to a play sounds like fun, I would love to go to one! I haven’t been to one since I was a kid and my aunt took me to see the Wizard of Oz when I lived in Topeka. lol

March 1, 2010

Ook, you have a doctor’s appointment on my birthday. I certainly hope that all goes well for it. Coasting along seems to be about as well as anyone can do right now, which sucks and blows at the same time sadly. As for the Procession of the Species, I suggest dressing him up like a ring-tailed lemur, an eel or possibly a hagfish. Definitely the hagfish.

March 1, 2010

Sorry to lurk, found you on random. But I noticed you have Red Dwarf listed as an interest, and that makes me smile. Kryten forever!

March 3, 2010

Ryn: HAHA! I’m curious too! I still haven’t found out. I should google it ;D