Laziness = Goodness **edit**

It’s been a lazy weekend.  But it doesn’t really feel like it.  If that makes any sense (I’ve been saying that a lot this weekend, haven’t I, Courtenay?) 

Spent a good amount of the weekend on the phone with Court and doing my own thing.  Friday was not a good night for us, but we made up for it, I think.  God only knows how long we were on the phone Saturday and today.  We talked about all sorts of things, and talked about nothing… just kind of spent time together the only way we really can.  Sixteen days until I get to fly out to meet him, and it feels like forever, even though I know it’s pretty much right around the corner.  

While we talked yesterday, I mentioned missing WoW and I laughed and said that I’d have to think about reopening my account when I get back from my visit with him… but if I did that, I’d have to transfer my main and at least one alt off of the Argent Dawn server and onto another one, because I couldn’t handle dealing with the people on AD again.  Granted, with how things are in games like that, it’s possible that no one remembers me.  Either way, I would at the very, very, least have to leave the guild… I just… no.  ::shakes her head::  He saved me from having to make those decisions by offering to let me play on his characters… Which I took him up on.  It’s nice.  He doesn’t have to worry about paying 15.00 a month for something he doesn’t play, and I don’t have to worry about dealing with people.  Win win.  

I stayed up late last night, playing.  And it was really really nice.  I stole his level 20 priest and am working on getting its tradeskills up and get him leveled up and stuff… I forgot how fun WoW is.  ::sigh:: It’s already beginning to suck me back in… ::laughs:: Oh well, it’s a good waste of time.  Although, Fallen Earth’s still more fun.

I spent a good part of today doing some online shopping for clothing.  I figure I’m going to need to spend a bit of money to make sure I have everything i need for the visit and stuff.  I hate shopping.  But I did find a beautiful skirt that I _really_ want.  I figure I’m going to go to the store and see if they have one of those skirts in stock so I can see how it’ll really look on me.  Wooo.

I found a beautiful song just now on Pandora.  Tyrone Well’s "Arms Around Me"… I had to buy the song, I liked it that much, instantly.  

My wrists hurt.  

It’s a good thing i don’t go to work tomorrow… have a Therapist appointment.  Hopefully they don’t "forget" this time.  That’s mean to say, since Gail, the receptionist was just having an off day and was really sorry about not getting me in when I was scheduled.  I’m doing better though, I’m not going to let the bitterness come through, because there is no bitterness, just a dull weight on my back and shoulders.  Most of that is gone though, lifted by way of the conversations with Court and the bit that I’ve been writing out here.  

I want to get some of my writing done, but I don’t want to write… maybe I’ll use the speech recognition software on my computer to let me rant and ramble, get some thoughts out.  Going to go mess with that now.  


**Edit** I need to convince myself that I really need to pick up the Dragon software…. speech recognition is a pain in the ass. x.x   Might need a new mic too.

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April 19, 2010

To be quite frank, I’ve been much better. I’ve got a few heavy things weighing on me. I may or may not touch on them in a future post. -CF