If I called you Orpheus, would I be your Eurydice?

I came to you last night, heart sore and weary, and knelt before your feet.  Head bowed, I made my confession (Forgive me love, for I have sinned.  I have not the strength to keep the dark at bay), and into the silence of your acceptance, I drove forth my words.  From the darkest part of me, my secrets burst forth, each word giving the darkness power.  (Her words echo in my head and bleed into my shadows.  They no longer burn, instead they’re cold, the chill seeping into my bones.) You kissed my brow and held my hands, offering comfort but keeping absolution for yourself.

Oh how I wished I could hate you as the words of love and comfort and the offers of strength fell from your lips.  I wished I could pull away from your light, even as you held me in place, forbiding me to turn away as you ripped the scabs from my wounds, allowing the blood to flow.  As the life-giving fluid pooled around our feet, cleansing the wounds that were inflicted in love, you kissed me sweetly, the blood from your hands streaking my face as you brushed away my tears, offering my absolution.

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March 23, 2010

WOW, lovey that is all i can say AMAZING…

March 23, 2010

Giving me permission to babble is ill-advised, dear. Very much so, actually. Beautiful writing, by the way. You should feel at ease about sharing it. -CF

March 23, 2010

That’s because the cars are, indeed, quite pretty, love. I, however…well. I’m no million dollar racecar ^_~ Besides…I like anonymity. You know that ^_^ -CF

March 23, 2010

I’m rather troubled by your claim of knowing how I work o_O; -CF

March 23, 2010

We’ve moved from troubled to mildly frightened on that statement… -CF

March 23, 2010

Easier to keep going down than to make an attempt to fill the hole in usually, no? ^_~ -CF

March 23, 2010

I’ve found my bottom. Been resting there a spell. It’s building the motivation to climb out that’s rough. -CF

March 24, 2010

Absolution resolves FROM your guilt 😛 icanwrite to, lol. Tis nice.. not my cup of tea though, haha. Very nice and insperational though.