
Only a short entry because I’m supposed to be working.

My aunt just left last night, she spent a week and a few days here visiting.  It was fun.  I got to go to a zoo.

I leave work early today for setup for Alls Faire.  Maili’s going to be REALLY pissed at me because I’m not packed, not ready, and not going to be ready as soon as she wants me to.  ::sighs:: Oh well.

I spent last night working on flowers.  I finished 30 in one night.  My hands are really sore and that’s why I didn’t get my packing done.

My meds are ‘meh’ and my days are about there too, with more anxiety than what is good for me.

Zoloft is bad.

Sleep is good.

I need more sleep.

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June 10, 2011

I need more sleep too. & I love goin’ to zoos!