FebMusMo #9 through #13

 Okay, we’re doing the FebMusMo catch up dance.  


First up is #9 – "Play a song that you misheard/misunderstood the lyrics of."

So.  The story.  I was working in the Dish Pit and one of the guys i worked with was a big Rick Springfield fan and brought in a mix with a couple of his songs, including this one: 


When I heard it, I could have sworn that he said: "I wish I had just eat squirrel"  Which makes no sense, except that’s what I heard.  For the longest time, I swore the song was about a guy who wanted to eat a squirrel.  


Prompt # 10 – "Play a song that made you re-examine a genre of music you never thought you’d like before.

When I first went to PAX, I listened to all the concerts, and there was one where MC Frontalot played in.  I decided then that I didn’t like Nerdcore Rap.  This was true until I started really listening to the Nerdcore stuff, especially MC Lars… The first of his songs that I decided I really liked was "Hey There Ophelia" which is actually a song about the Shakespeare play Hamlet.  



Prompt # 11 – "Play a song you wish you never had to hear again."

This one’s easy.  I had to hear this song 10 times a day for two weeks at work because one of my coworkers decided it’d be fun to try to drive us all nuts..


Prompt #12 – "Play your favorite duet."

I’ve always loved this song… From This Moment On – Shania Twain and Brian White… it’s just a really lovely song, even though I’m not a real big fan of Shania Twain.



Prompt #13 – "Post a sad or happy song that you once loved, but can’t identify with now."

My friend Holly told me once that the song "Superman" by Five For Fighting.  For a long time I could identify with it, and I loved the song, but the past year or two, I’ve found that I can’t even listen to it all the way.  



Okay, good, all caught up now. 😛 I just have to remember to stay that way. 

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February 13, 2010

I definitely feel you, love. I kind of wish I could disconnect from the world on this ridiculous day… Unfortunately, I’m sure I will be drug into some silly, unfortunate event that will lead me deeper into the abyss of my own loneliness. Stupid day… -CF

February 13, 2010

RYN: I spent the evening w/my best friend and her lesbian friends. They got me sufficiently intoxicated. Not enough to forget my loneliness, but drunk enough to enjoy a night out. Unfortunately they insisted my best friend and I would make a great couple. Why can’t people understand friendship? -random mumbling and obscenities here- -CF

February 13, 2010

P.S. – Thanks for thinking of me. I’ll have you in mind. -CF

February 13, 2010

The difference between ‘that’ love and friendship love seems so simple, yet is so often misconstrued. The bad part is I think her friends even have her believing it at this point. I love her, but I’m not -in- love with her. There was a point I pondered it…but it just never seemed right. -CF