


Okay, so just to warn you in advance, this entry probably won’t make much sense >.> I apologize in advance.  ~W, you’ll understand it, probably all too well. 


Well, Palladium (a company that does makes of my favorite tabletop RPGs ever) had their usual Christmas Grab Bags and this year, to celebrate I ordered two of them.  What happens is you make a list of all the different things you want and they pick and choose from your list (and from what they have in inventory) and send you random things off of your list.  Before shipping costs, I paid 47 dollars per grab bag (119.00 total, with shipping and handling) and I got aproximately 229.00 dollars worth of gaming stuff.  Totally worth it.

They came in the mail today!

I got pretty much everything I asked for.  Of course, I asked for more books than they could send, but I got the important ones. 

My brother stole all of my gaming books and presumably sold them, so I’ve been trying to restock my collection, but RIFTs is really hard to find stuff for at the gaming stores; they don’t have room for most of the stuff I want, and even less room in the used section for them.  So this is a great way for me to get what I need.  So, here’s the list of my epic loots.

* A Coffee Mug for Momma (I asked for this because Mom’s always been the person I plot with for my games, and it’s the only thing I could think of to get for her.)  It’s black and has the word "Gamer" on it in white.  I giggled when I saw it.

* A pack of about 6 Christmas prints, everything from heroes from Heroes Unlimited saving Santa to a before and after picture of Zombie Santa.  Epic.

And the books, which is the big part for me.

* Powers Unlimited (For the Heroes Unlimited game setting… I don’t have much for that system, but I’ll collect them next)

* Dead Reign guide (Dead Reign’s Palladium’s Zombie Apocalypse game, Matt was running one of these for a while before we just kind of lost interest)

* Dead Reign Sourcebook One: Civilization Gone (More zombies)

* RIFTs World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign

* RIFTs Mercenary Adventures

* RIFTs Game Master Guide

* RIFTs Adventure Guide

* RIFTs Ultimate Edition Players Handbook




So yeah. ::grin:: ~W, my friends and I are starting up a RIFTs game.  Well, I’m GMing a game for my friends.  ðŸ˜› I just thought you’d like to know that.  So there’s a few of us who’re still playing Palladium’s systems.  

In my game, the Coalition States has taken over most of what used to be the United States.  Tolkeen wasn’t destroyed by the Coalition in the adventure I’m running, instead, the mages in the city ended up spending all of their P.P.E. and I.S.P. to build a large and strong shield around the city, to keep the Coalition from getting inside of it.  The players are hired by an underground resistance organization to work their way up to Tolkeen (avoiding the Coalition Army) and check to make sure that the CS hasn’t broken through the shield.  

It’s a big more twisted than that, but that’s the general plot.  ::dances:: I’m thinking about putting my campaign up on Obsidian Portal so that I have a record of it.  That site’s a lot of fun from what I’ve seen.

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December 30, 2009

ryn: Haha, it’s the IT crowd. As in like, computers. It’s pretty funny actually. Sounds like you’ve had a good day 🙂

December 30, 2009

last time i went there, i told them i should bill them for a bottle of tequila.

December 30, 2009

ryn: Ah, you work with computers? I bet that’s so good 🙂

December 31, 2009

ryn: Haha! I had a load of spahetti in the end. It was rather nice too. Oh my god, I’m glad my friends don’t do that! But at least it shows that they care about you (: Ooooh a casino! I bet that’s right busy. Do you enjoy it there?

December 31, 2009

Happy new year to u 🙂

Haha, you were right- it doesn’t make much sense to me :-X … But I’m glad it all happened because you seem very excited! RYN: Thanks for all of the notes you’ve left me. They’re really encouraging, and I appreciate it. As for the book, I plan to check it out ASAP. I love a good book- especially the kind that make you think.

December 31, 2009

Wow. Those grab bags sound AMAZING.

January 1, 2010

Nice, I remember hearing about Dead Reign some time ago but never got a chance to look at it. I tried the original heroes system eons ago and hated it, I hope the mechanics for HU are better. I can’t believe your brother sold your gaming books! It’s one of those crimes so horrible one can barely comprehend the reasoning behind it … considering how many irreplaceable gaming books I

January 1, 2010

have on my shelves, something like that would be an utter nightmare. Sounds like you came out looking quite good in this deal though – me, I’ve never trusted grab bag deals because I always expect they’ll pawn off the worst of their overstock on me. (and with my luck, they would) I have a friend who still occasionally talks about his RIFTS games and how he railroaded his gm and

January 1, 2010

abused the system so bad it would make you weep if every gm hadn’t gone through that as a right of passage. Your upcoming campaign sounds like it has promise, I certainly hope it goes well … and feel free to tell me all about it if you feel the urge. (I know gamers love to talk about their hobby but can have so much difficulty finding anyone around to listen)

January 1, 2010

ryn: And I know what you mean about storage … I ended up storing most of my stuff in that little town on the bridge until I was able to get a house of my own … I really appreciated the fact that houses in that game were worth getting … in most computer games the house has always seemed so pointless. (and I do hope if they ever get the mmo up they keep that aspect)

January 1, 2010

Random Noter: Ah, I remember some of the Palladium games. Heck, I tried to fill out my Robotech RPG sourcebooks a few years back, but that was mainly due to the fact that I grew up watching that show on weekday afternoons. And I’m a frelling gaming nerd. And since I work in the local gaming shop, I decided to check to see if we have any RIFTS books on the shelves. Not much of a selection, but we do have a few (shockingly). Heck, we have some battletech books and I’m sure that I could dig up some old West End Games Star Wars books as well if I look hard enough.