Can You Tell What Her Favorite Color Is?

Don’t have much to say.

Last night’s game went well… things are falling together for the freeformers – I’ll have to clean up the logs and post them somewhere so that I can keep track of what’s going on.  It’s a fun story so far.

The quilt that Mom’s been waiting for finally came in the mail.  I have pictures of it. ^.^ I’m going to see about taking pictures of all the quilts we quilt and/or sew, so I can show them off and whatnot. 

This quilt top was made for my Great Aunt Shirley’s grand-daughter who’s graduating High School.  It’s an Oklahoma Twister design and I like the quilt pattern, but I hate the bubble fabric… I’m so glad it’s not for me.

img_0485.jpg quilt for aunt-shirley's grand-daughter picture by zarlune

Here’s a close up –

img_0486.jpg quilt for aunt-shirley's grand-daughter picture by zarlune

The backing’s going to be a peachy-pink, and the quilting is going ot be done around all the colored triangles.  We’re hoping to get it mailed back before March. 

I’ll have to show pictures of the other quilts as we get them into the frame and get them ready to be quilted or sent out.  Aaaand I will do another picture once this one’s quilted. 

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January 26, 2010

Quilts. I know I have a couple of those lying around somewhere from my grandmother, along with some afgans. The only thing that I ever quilted was my dice bag, since I occasionally use it as a pillow.

January 26, 2010

I love it 🙂

January 26, 2010

I like the bubbles. =)