Back to the Grind

My eyes are wonking today. 

Well, the extra days off were wonderful but they’re over now.  Sadness.  I had a good vacation – did a lot of sleeping (9 hours of blissful sleep a night), some writing, a lot of catching up and talking with friends, and some gaming.  Oh! And reading. The weather was wonderful all week, I ended up lounging outside and reading for a while.  Told my friends I was photosynthizing and just kind of chilled. 

I was really sad last night when I realized I had to go to bed early because I needed to go to work today.  Didn’t sleep nearly as well, so I figure that’s pretty much proof that work is at least part of what’s got me so stressed out and wonkified.  My jacket got stolen out of my car this weekend, which wasn’t fun.  I need to go around and figure out exactly what I lost and what I have to work to replace.  I know my ID card was in my pocket, as was my work keycard and badge, which’ll be a pain to get taken care of.  I’ll have to do that tonight or tomorrow, prolly tomorrow.

Work so far is… alright.  I had a few little things that agrivated me, but not enough to make me lose my cool… yet.  I’m just reminding myself that I only have a handful of hours till I go home (currently 3).  Well, I’m not going straight home, I have an appointment with the shrink today.  I told Brandon about how I was torn between being relieved and being scared.  It’ll be nice being able to tell everything that’s on my mind to someone who’s paid to listen.  I won’t have to hide as much or word it to keep friends and whatnot from being upset.  On the other hand, it scares me to even consider doing that.  ::shakes her head and shrugs:: It’ll be good though. 

Tomorrow I’m going to get out of work and spend some time hanging out with Hillary and Hollie.  Hollie’s preggers and she wants to come down and talk and spend time with me.  I can’t wait, really.  I don’t know if Hillary’s one of my favorite people, but Hollie is.  I need to chatter with her anyways. 

Podling (Michael) bought me a present last week.  It’s a little koosh (knockoff) stress ball that looks like a pig.  My gaming group decided that it’s a porcipigfish (Part porcipine, part pig, part blowfish).  So I think that’s his name.  He’s rather cute.  Speaking of Podling, I’m taking him and possibly his friend to the Olympia Little Theater next Friday in order to go see The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged).  It looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun… I mean 37 works of Shakespeare in less than 2 hours, with 3 actors.  I figure it’ll be educational and crazy.  I think I invited Guppy to go with us too. 

I think Saturday I’m going to see about going to see Alice in Wonderland.  I might end up dragging Podling with me if I can’t find anyone else to go.  Poor kid, he ends up getting dragged around everywhere. 

Well, break’s over. 

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February 25, 2010

Oh gosh. Having stuff stolen is not fun. I hope it’s a smooth taking-care-of-things for you! Also, I love that word “wonkified.” lol

February 26, 2010

Boo to thieves, but hooray to Shakespeare! -CF

February 26, 2010

Delicate winter Flower of my aching heart Growing no longer

March 1, 2010

Man, why do people have to steal? Most uncool. Shakespeare wins.