
I almost want to delete all my bookmarks and start collecting them again.  I find I haven’t been noting as often as I used to be.  I’ve also not been writing.  Shame on me.

There’s little that I can write, at least what I think of while I sit down to write.

Bonnie’s been sick with bronchitis and is finally getting over it, thankfully.  She’s been having a hard time since she has her nephew over while his mother’s been out of town.  Hopefully she won’t be driven nuts while the kid’s there.  We haven’t had much time to talk or anything lately either… I’ve been so “blah” and wonked and she’s been sick and busy with the kids.  I keep reminding her that it’s okay and that we’ll talk later but she gets worried.

Court is Court.  I don’t think there’s anythin that changes there.  He’s been on the computer more since he found people in WoW to talk with and hang with, which is nice in a way, and a pain in another.  But that’s neither here nor there.

I’ve been antsy again.  I tried working on maile and I’ve just been so wonked that I haven’t been able to.  Brandon and I’ve been talking more, which is nice.  I haven’t been getting the pangs of envy that usually accompany talking with him.  Maybe I’ve actually grown up some? ::grin:: I hope so.  I really, really do.

I’ve not been working on my nanowrimo as much as I should.  It’s coming up in a couple months and I can’t wait to get working on the story itself.  But to do that, I need to get my outline done.  ::laughs:: Maybe I’ll work on that on the bus today.  I’m also listening to the Kushiel’s Scion series of books while at work.  Oi… I forgot how much sex was in them, they’re as bad as the later Anita Blake books. ::laughs:: It’s quite a pain at times, to be working on work and listening to a detailed sexual / sensual liason.

There’s not much more to talk about.  ::chuckles:: My life’s been kind of boring.

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August 30, 2011

you and me both!

August 31, 2011

So one could say that Bon has… Bon-chitis? ::puts on sunglasses and drives away on a motorcycle::