
I don’t know why I’m posting, other than the fact that I haven’t in a while… ::grin:: I really have nothing to say.

On Friday I’m supposed to get a package from TheRingLord.com; Mom promised whenever we got extra money from work we could put a small order, so when she got the 50.00s from the employee picnic, she gave it to me for rings… so I got a bit of aluminum.  I shouldn’t have done it, with the money in the straights that we’re in, but I really wanted the metal and it’ll keep me occupied and hopefully I’ll sell enough next month that it’ll make it worth while.  I’m crossing my fingers on that one.

I put in for the Urban Craft Uprising, and I think I’ll get it considering that there’s no other Chainmailers from the last few years..  I’m crossing my fingers, even though that’ll be a mixed blessing.  It’s an investment and it’ll be the biggest and most expensive (at least in booth fees)  one I’ve gone to, but it’ll be almost guarenteed to make good money.  If they like my stuff, which I think people will.  Specially since I’m moving my stock from plated to aluminum.  Which has its upsides and downsides.

Other than that, the only big thing is that I’m writing again, which is nice.  Brandon is enjoying what I’m writing, as I show it to him as I write it.  In fact, I have to finish up the next section tonight so that he has something to read.

I’m also working on the angelic conflict story, slowly but surely I’m getting it done.

I started playing RIFT with a friend last night.  That should be fun.  We promised not to play the chars unless we’re together, which is a promise I’ll definitely keep.  It’s nice playing an MMO with a friend.

My birthday’s coming up soon.  I’m thinking about seeing how much the tickets to TransSiberian Orchestra is this time around and getting two tickets but that’s only if they’re cheap and I don’t move out.  Which I hopefully will… I put in an application thing to a place and am hoping that I get a shot at seeing the people and talking with them and hopefully moving in… it’s cheap and nice, which is what I’m looking for.

Nothing else to really say.. I’ll post pictures of my loots when I can.

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August 17, 2011

Oh hey! When’s your birthday?