
I’ve started an entry about a dozen times already, and never got around to actually finishing them.  Or even really writing them.  

So here we go!

Actually, in all honesty it’s been a pretty mellow week.  

Well.  Mostly.

Mom’s had a rough week.  Everything worked out in the end, but she wasn’t sure if she had a job for a day or so there.  She’s extremely claustrerphobic and the trash compacter is down so they have a dumpster.  Well, it’s like a shipping container but yeah.  Anyways, they were told that they have to enter the dumpster to throw away their trash.  Mom couldn’t do it and had a breakdown, she ended up sobbing and shaking and walking off of the job, telling her boss she couldn’t do it.  When she went back to work she got a write up and a chewing out.  And got asked if it was really as bad as she was making it out to be.  She told her boss if she got an 100.00 an hour raise to work for 8 hours where she had to go into the dumpster to throw away her trash… she still wouldn’t do it.  This is a woman who doesn’t like going into the garage unless there’s a door open.

I’ve been working on maille this week; took a day or two off of it and started back in.  I’ve got all my orders done except for two of Jay’s bracelets; the bracelet for his friend Jaz, and the coyote maile bracelet.  I was looking at the rings I ordered and got in and I don’t like them as much… so I’m sticking with my original supplier and I changed around my idea for his bracelet.  Jay, they should be done by the end of the weekend.  

I got the hotel rooms squared away for PAX (double checked to make sure our rooms were still there and tried to get a better price on priceline.com; didn’t work cuz the hotel was sold out), as well as for the 18th, for the concert that I’m dragging Court to. 

I got the game room started on the setting up, as I mentioned.  We had our first game out there Wednesday and it seemed to work well.  Need to get a couple more chairs but that’s not a real emergency.  Worse comes to worse we can tell them to BYOC.

I also bought him and Brandon a present; one half of it came in last night, so I’m just waiting for the other half.  Once that gets here, I’ll bundle that up and send it out.  

Speaking of presents and stuffs… Sir Monkey and his valiant steed Two Flower are finished. ^.^ I can’t wait for John to post up more pics if he has any, and to let me know that it’s on etsy so I can bring the knight home to slay the evil dragon that’s sleeping in my bed.  I’ll have to post pics of the epic duel. 

Crap. I need more bags.  ::scribbles a note to self::

My mind’s been filled with my Angelic Conflict story lately.  I’m falling back in love with that set of stories and I’m thinking that I should definitely put to paper the thoughts in my head, that way I can start building the world and getting the little details sorted out.  So don’t be surprised if I use OD as a scratch pad for my story.  I’d usually use Google Docs, only my computer at work doesn’t like it.  ‘sides, I can get more feedback on it this way.

::stretches:: I told Ben about the story ideas and he says the foundation for the world/universe I’m creating reminds him of a bunch of gnostic beliefs and texts that he’s read… so he’s going through his library to figure out what books there are that I should pick up to get another look at everything.  

So that’s my week in a nutshell.  Court and I spent the week talking and planning, Bonnie and I hashed out her list of things she needs to pack, Scott hid under his bed and I talked him through a couple thunderstorms, Brandon and I b.s.ed about the story and about life in general, and Maili and I made plans for her to take us down the Nisqually on her new raft and a raft that I buy, on her "guided river tour".  It should be fun… it’ll be my first time down the river, and Milo’s done it about… uhm… 50 times a year for the last 10 years, so she knows what she’s doing. ::laughs::

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August 6, 2010

You should totally post that in OD. I’ll read it!

August 7, 2010


August 8, 2010
