
I haven’t written much because there’s not much to tell.

I’ve been holding onto my emotions with a tight grip and a prayer… hopefully I’ll be able to talk with my psych. on Friday and he’ll change the meds for me.

Life’s fallen into a pattern for me, and I’m hopefully going to change that pattern too.  I just have to get out more.  ::chuckles:: There’s a lot of hope in this entry so far.

I’ve been working on maile all weekend.  My hands feel sad, blisters on my fingers and whatnot, but I’m enjoying the work.  I got all the bracelets and anklets done for my aunt, and I got a necklace done and a few pairs of earrings and some more things.  I figure I’ll have a bit more inventory before I get to go to Make Olympia; a new craft faire in downtown Oly.  I’m excited about it because it runs at the same time as Lakefair, which means that I’m going to have a lot more people around than I normally would… and since I can’t afford the three hundred and fifty dollars to get my booth in lakefair, paying 45 to get my booth and to be on the way to the fair, is a fair deal.  Money’s been really tight, specially since I didn’t do all that well at All’s Faire, but Bonnie’s helping me out a lot with it.  I owe her muchly.

Been working on maile, like I said.  I have more to take pictures of, and more that I need to get on the website, and yeah… I’m way behind in that.  I’m almost tempted to find someone who can do the website stuff for me; make up stuff to say about the pieces and post the pictures on etsy and ebay and whatnot.  Anyone want a job? It doesn’t pay much, has no benefits, but you’ll get my everlasting love… that has to be worth something.  I was so far behind this weekend that I made Mom and Court both help me with opening rings… granted, Court only worked for a half hour, and Mom for an hour, but that’s time that I was able to spend doing other stuff and finishing up other projects.  I need a ring monkey too.  Seriously.

But I’d rather have the person to post everything for me.

God my hands hurt.


I cried myself to sleep again last night.  For a stupid reason, as always.  I want to say I was more frustrated than depressed, but I don’t know if that’s true or not.  There’s a cynical part of me that points out to things like this and say, “See! THAT’S why you can’t trust anything that anyone says.” and “See!  You really DON’T matter.”  Cide, I hate you at times.

I Feel like there’s a wall of glass between me and the rest of the world.  I can see it, I can sometimes smell it and hear it, but when I go to touch it, I can’t.  I feel like that with my friends too… I can’t touch you, I can’t influence you really… am I really here?  We talk and I get to look at you, but I just… I don’t feel like I’m an actual part of the world.  I’m so lonely, lonely to the bottom of my soul.  I just, don’t feel like I matter to a single person.  Logically, I know that’s not true, people tell me it’s not true, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s how I _feel_.  Kumu, you tell me that people will miss me, that my absence is noticed and remarked upon.  If that’s so, then why is my presence not noticed?  Why is it when I try to sit and talk, I get pushed aside, or otherwise gagged?  How can I be wanted, needed, loved, when I cannot even find a single person who knows that I’m here?

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