
I’ve been doing more writing lately.  

Which is a really good thing, I think.  I’ve been in the mood to do more writing.  I read a book from Bonnie while she was here that had writing exercises… they suggest doing bits from character’s PoVs so you can get to know your character and how they think. ::grin:: I’ve been doing that for a few characters.  I might have to post some of them.

Tubba’s getting better, stronger.  She’s no longer walking in circles and looking so weak that it breaks my heart.  We figure she had a stroke, and even though she’s still a little slow and wobbily, she’s beginning to eat from our hand again.  I spent all of yesterday keeping an eye on her.  The house felt like a tomb, but it usually does on the weekend… I’m the only one awake during the day, and I have to be quiet so I don’t wake everyone else up.  

I woke up at 6:30 and sat downstairs with Tubba and Mom till Mom fell asleep, then I went up into the spare bedroom and laid down to read and write.  Every couple of hours, I came downstairs and checked in on the hamster, just to make sure she’s okay.  Mom woke up around noonish and we talked and hung out downstairs.  When she went back down for her nap, I went back upstairs.  

The afternoon/evening was spent roleplaying with Kumu.  We’re writing an amazing story together, and I’m really excited about it.  I’m actually thinking about writing stories of stuff that doesn’t happen in the RP but that I see happening.  I’m always amazed at what Kumu can put together for a game and how he pulls the best out of me.  

Then I went to sleeps.  

 Today’s my first day working at my new desk.  Oh, I don’t think I mentioned that…

Kristal’s last day was the 27th and on the 28th, I spent the day cleaning up my old desk and her desk and moving over.  Now it’s set up so that the four of us auditors are in a square…


Brenda   |   Dawn
Me           |   Melissa     


This means that I won’t be able to goof off on the net as much as I used to, which is fine, and it also means that I’ll be right across from Brenda, with a half wall between us.  I bought some legos to put on the ledge between us.  

Bob’s got fin rot, so I cleaned his cage and put medicine in his water and took out his filter so that the medicine don’t get filtered out.  I don’t want anythin happen to him.  But he’ll get better, he has to.

My aunt is coming in tomorrow.  The house is a wreck but meh.  I’m going to go with Mom tomorrow to pick her up.  At like.  11:30. x.x So I gotta take a nap tomorrow when I get home from work.  


Okay, time to go to work.

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June 1, 2011

The Legos would either make me goof off more or be a great barrier. lol Good idea, though! Poor Tubba. I hope she’s feeling better. {{hugs}} ryn: Norman, King of the Antelopes? AWESOME. lol Usually, I only dress up for the Ren Fair, but Key & I were asked. Meh. I’ll see if I can figure out how to post pics here. I’ve had Issues. Gypsy would be fun to put together! <:3~

June 4, 2011

Many religious Jews and Christians haven’t read the Bible, at least not carefully. Also, believers from various sects cherry pick the Scriptures for the parts they like.