
 Yesterday was a lot of fun!

Got up around 6 and finished packing, spent some time with Mom and the hamsters.  Court and I left at 9am to get to the train station.  At the time, I thought he was being weird, giving us an hour and a half for a 45 minute drive, but he was driving and I went along with it.  It turned out to be a good idea after all; we had to stop for gas and air in the tires, and from there, we took a more scenic route (there’s a particular road that I _love_ traveling on because it’s sooo pretty, and we took that way.) The sun was shining, it was in the upper 60s for temp and all was right with the world. Got to the train station around 10am, so I got my tickets and talked to Court for a few minutes before he left and I waited the twenty minutes or so till the train got in.  

Train ride was fun, just kind of chilled, listening to Friday on audiobook and half dozed.  I forgot how beautiful the sound was.  Got into the station after the hour and a half ride and there was Bonnie. ^.^ I guess I must have looked surprised to see her because the first words out of her mouth were "What? You didn’t expect me to find the place?"  From there, we took a taxi to our hotel (mainly because between my bags and hers, we didn’t want to drag them around all the way uphill) and that’s when she said one of the funniest things that I’ve heard from her.  We got out of the taxi at the Westin and grabbed our bags from the loading area, I was asked by one of the bellhops (really nice black gentleman) if I wanted him to take my bags, and I  declined.  I went inside, waited, and Bonnie didn’t follow.  So I waited a little longer and she came in and I looked at her and asked where her luggage was, and she said, "The black man asked for it, so I gave it to him."  I just kind of stared at her, and she said, "If a black man asks for my luggage, I’m handing it over."  I laughed and told her that it was a good thing that we weren’t staying someplace where the possibility of getting mugged was higher.  I just realized that typing it out takes some of the funny out… but it was funny, trust me.

Dropped off our stuff, and I put on some sunblock.  Now, I didn’t think this whole thing through… I was wearing a cute baby-doll style shirt and a pretty brown skirt… nice clothes, light and airy, but probably not the best for walking around all day in… specially since I’m a bigger girl and uhm… yeah.  Suffice to say, I have a lobster red rash on the inside of my thighs today.  But anyways, Bon was sad that the last time she was here, we didn’t do any touristy things in Seattle… so yesterday we went to Pike Place Market and roamed around there.  After that, we ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe (which was good, but sooo expensive x.x) and then wandered back up towards the hotel. We went to the Westlake center (where I bought a beautiful skirt) and hopped the monorail to the city center.  We wandered around there for a while and then spent an hour or so sitting and talking while watching kids play in a fountain near Key Arena.  It was nice, we didn’t have anywhere to be, didn’t have anyone nagging us or the like, we just talked and relaxed.  Went back to the hotel room around 5ish.  We spent about two hours there, just relaxing… Bonnie showered and talked with her other half, played on the computer a bit, and I watched tv and worked on maile. 

At 7 we left and walked down to Pioneer Square for the Underground tour.  I have to say, this was the most exercise I’ve had in a long while, and I feel great. o.o Aside from the rash and my legs being a little wobbily.  Well, we got there to the tour place a good 20 minutes early and relaxed, talking to a preacher’s husband about the supposed end of the world, doomsday stuff that people are spouting out thanks to that one 80 year old preacher guy.  

The tour was great… learned a lot about old Seattle, like the fact that it ran on whore houses and opium dens.  ::laughs:: It was great fun and a good walk.  I actually have some story ideas from it (which doesn’t surprise Bon at all).  We got our drink at the end of the tour and then walked back home.  On the way, we stopped at Subway for a late night meal and then I got us turned around so we were walking the wrong way… that was fixed and we got to the hotel without any real problems…. my legs were wobbily and hurting, but a shower and then a hot soak fixed that.  From there, we talked a bit… Bon spent time talking to her other half, and then we snuggled up and went to sleep.  

Today’s the street fair.  Bon’s still asleep, and I’m not going to wake her up anytime soon.  I have directions to the station where we’ll catch the bus to get to the fair, but it’s not going anywhere, so we can relax.  I figure I’ll listen to Friday and work on maile or cross stitching.  


I’ll hopefully remember to take pictures today!

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May 23, 2011

I hope you took pics!