I’m glad the name change went over well. That cheers me up some.
Yesterday was definitely odd.
I woke up around the normal time… closer to 6:30 than 5:30 though, but that was fine. The little extra sleep did me wonders. Got up, took a long, hot shower, read a little, got dressed and went downstairs. Ended up talking with mom for a little bit and then at about 8:10 or so, I left to walk to my therapy session. The therapist is only about 3 blocks away from my house, and I just kind of meandered along. I think I actually walked 6 or so blocks, mainly because I kept trying to find new ways to get there… but it took less than 10 minutes to make it there. Still had plenty of time before my appointment. I looked at the hours posted on the door, not open till 9; but my appointment was at 8:30… so I just kind of hung out. I stood on the porch and watched a guy in the house next to the building blowing the leaves from his yard. It was interesting.
The man looked to be between my age and my mom’s; I looked at him once and swore that he couldn’t be younger than 45 or so, and another look made him seem to be my age. It was just… it was interesting. He had a leaf blower, and was systematically blowing the leaves to the edge of his property line. Once he had almost all of the leaves there, he blew them onto the street. He looked around and then blew the leaves across the street, into his neighbor’s yard. That made me giggle really hard. Like, really hard. After he finished, he came over to the therapy building and blew the leaves and debris off of the concrete around the building. I watched him, and I wondered if he got paid for it, or did it for his own thing, or if I was the reason. He ignored me for the most part, just doing his own thing, like I didn’t exist, but in my head I was already weaving a story. I do this sometimes with people, just watch them and weave myself a story about them. I might end up writing it down, I used to, and I need to get back to that.
So, I was waiting for my appointment, checked the clock, and oh noes, it’s 8:35! Dr. G wasn’t in and I was late. Well, no, I wasn’t late, the doctor was late. Another of the therapists showed up and told me that no one was there until 9, and let me into the reception room so I wasn’t out in the rain and the hail and the wind and the like, and I hung out in there until the receptionist came in and appologized. Apparently she forgot to put me into the schedule and yeaaah. ::shakes her head:: I assured her that it was no bother and walked home. Talked to Court for a few while he was on break and hung out with Mom – doing a little quilting and chatting. Headed out to work at 10:15 or so.
Made it to work by 11, and work was pretty uneventful for the first few hours — just kind of had my head down, my earphones in (I’m listening to Shadow of the Hedgemon right now, by Orson Scott Card), and got to work. Everyone else left by 5:30 or so and I was left all by myself. That was a really interesting experience… talking with a few people, listening to music and books and getting through my work. I finally have my damned audits caught up and current, which made me dance and be all happy.
Mom picked me up at 8, with Maili in tow. Maili had come over to my house to help clean up in order to get some spending money since she’s out of work for a week. Apparently when she was cleaning and rearranging my living room, she ended up accidently frying my modem. Which is a lot of fun. The house looks great, by the way. Well, they picked me up and we grabbed podling and talked to his mom for a few before heading out to KFC/Taco Bell to eat. Dinner was good, and we bullshat for a while before dropping Maili off at her house.
We didn’t get home till late, and I found out about the problem that Mom and Maili had with the modem and called Comcast to see what the hell was going on. The rep I got was a total ditz. She spent 15 minutes on trying to get me to double check to make sure I had the modem plugged in right. "Is there any lights on your modem?" "Yes. All the lights are flashing except for the battery light, which is off." "Oh. Is the power light flashing?" "Yes." "That means you’re on battery power. You need to make sure the modem’s plugged in." >.< God damn it woman, I know how to plug my god damned modem in, you don’t need to have me test every god damned outlet in the damned house. … I didn’t say it _quite_ like that, but I was getting frustrated. Tech came out today… Maili fried my modem. He laughed and wrote it up as a bad modem. Oh, and as for the "battery power" thing.. yeaaah… my modem didn’t have a battery in it. Stupid wankin woman.
Went up to my room and talked on the phone for a little while before dozing off.
This morning, I couldn’t check my email or anything, so it wasn’t until I got to work that I found out that my favorite erotica writer has a new story that I get to read. And what awesome timing. ::stretches:: I’ve been in a mood for the last two days or so, it’s been interesting. So I think once I rid myself of people at the house, I’m going to take my time and savor the story. The author _always_ does good work. I know I won’t be disappointed.
RYN – Thank you for the good luck wishes, I will need it ^_^ It’s a short opening set (3-4 songs) for another guy. It’s supposed to be a solo acoustic set, but I’ve roped a percussionist into playing w/me so I don’t have to be all alone up there. -CF
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ryn: Hey, thanks.
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Hey Dahling, seems you had a very tranquil day ^_~ and don’t worry abou the modem reps. They do it ALL the time here if we mess anything up on our comps. The reps HAVE to go throuh all the lame steps. I actually just pretend to them . “is your computer on? ” me : Let me check~ *puts phone down, stares at a wall for 5 seconds, picks up phone* Yep it is. Fun times when i have to do stupid crap. I’m not an 80 year old lady that’s still in the olden days clutching to her decade old typewriter staring at the giant computer tower of death. BUT yay for new modems and such ^_^ ,… and apparently erotica too >>; I’d rather read erotica then be doing it everyday, BUT HEY you can’t pick and choose.LMAO. …or can you? *Grin* I’ll talk to you laters love. -Bon.
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RYN: Thank you so much. I tell everyone who notes me to do just one thing: Forgive someone who wronged you. It helps…plus…it is like ripples in a pond.
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I’ve just realized that you changed your name! (: Very nice!
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