I’m glad last week is over.
It was definitely a trying time.
Courtenay and I had our first fight, but I think it was something in the air, because Miss Kari and her other half were fighting too. She said something that I think fits with the issues that Court and I had… she was talking about her fight with her other half, and she said that when she’s upset about something, it’s not usually the thing that she ends up fighting about, and I wonder, looking back at the fight, if that’s not what was going on. There were some important things that were said, but I think there was other issues too. Well, I know there were. But we’re doing good.
We spent most of last night and yesterday talking. I can’t remember any of our conversations but I do remember that they were fun. I fell asleep on the phone again last night, and it was just so nice being able to talk all night without having to feel bad about keeping him up when he has to go to work. We’re both excited about my trip… I think we’re both a little bit nervous about it too. Hell, I know that I’m a little bit nervous; well, a lot bit nervous, but it’s normal. I get nervous and shaky about anything outside of my comfort zone. I’m trying to improve that.
Finally sent out Scott’s birthday present, only a month late. He’s used to the fact that I run on Hawaiian time. I also sent out a present for Courtenay and since Mom finished quilting on the latest quilt (which I was stupid and didn’t get a picture of), we sent that out… 225 yards of thread was used (146.25 dollars if mom was going to be compensated for the quilting). I think I’m going to up the count I’m imagining the red quilt to take… if that one, which was a twin, took 225 yards of thread, then the one I’m working on for Brandon is going to take about two or three times that amount. Maybe as many as a thousand yards. o.o; Holy shit.
Mom’s going nuts (and driving me nuts) because she now has nothing to do while she’s awake. I’m going to pull out the black, white, and red baby quilt that we were working on and let her finish the border of that. I’ll take pictures of that before I give it to her, as well as the quilt that I’ve claimed as the baby quilt for my first child.
Speaking of baby quilts… Aunt Shirley is just about done with the quilt tops for the three quilts that I asked her to make… only to have us find out that we need another baby quilt. One of Court’s close work friends just told him that she’s going to become a grandmother, so I’m going to pull out the bears quilt that I’ve been working on idly for the past year or three. I still have to put together the bears and get them onto the quilt, and fix up the top a little bit. Then I can give it to Mom so she can quilt it for us. I figure I’ll have it completely put together and done by the time Courtenay comes up to visit in July. That way he can take it back and I don’t have to worry about paying for shipping to send it back that way. ::Laughs:: Lets see if I can remember to take pictures of it before it goes that way. I’m so bad at pictures.
Speaking of pictures… I will have an entry of random pictures, hopefully later today. ::chuckles:: hopefully.
RYN: I know I just get let down when there’s not ANY notes on a long entry. It’s like I’m sure someone could find SOMETHING to note about lol. makes me not want to write. anyway thank you. RYN2: He got a sacred heart/caduceus. he’s a nurse so wanted the caduceus but also likes the sacred heart. so he found one that combined the two. AWESOME. i’ll post the pic that he put on facebook. it’s awesome.
I haven’t really had a “fight” with Gery, but we don’t talk that much so that’s probably why. it sucks because he doesn’t have the $$ to pay his phone bill all the time. bleh. anyway take care! ~♥~
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I think it’s so cool that you and your mom make quilts together!
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We may have had our first fight, dear, but it was for the best. It’s better to get things out in the open quickly than to let them fester inside until they want to burst out. And we talk things through and made our relationship stronger due to it. All is good, all is well. Mama Leslie will be happy when she gets the quilt, love, and she thanks you a lot. You’ve been accepted by yetanother member of my bizarre family. I’ll just have to remember to get her contact information tomorrow since she got word that she’s being transferred next week. And do post pictures of Makani’s quilt, I want to see what she’ll be sleeping under when she’s born.
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