goodbye (reprise)

related entry, dated 9/11/01

My grandmother passed away last night.

I was honestly surprised she made it this long, but I suppose now was the best time. She was in lots of pain and having kidney issues after getting her hip replaced (broken in a fall).

I’m going to the funeral this weekend, I’m doing OK at the moment, but much of my family won’t be and it will be good of me to be there for them.

She worked as a nurse (before retirement and the stroke she had a number of years ago), but her biggest job was taking care of the family. She had seven kids to deal with (my father was #6 of 7), six of which she bore herself. She was my grandpa’s second wife, but they were married a long time (over 45 years). Word has it that a priest and plenty of family were around, so it was about as good and peaceful for her as you can get.

– MC

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April 27, 2004

I know I already told you this, but I’m sorry. Lemme know if you need to rant or anything.

I guess that explains a thing or two.

May 5, 2004

How you holding up?

May 14, 2004

sorry to hear about your grandma. RYN: yes, my location is pretty accurately described in my diary