part three EDIT again!

i made a very important decision on my drive to Grand Rapids.

i absolutly do not in any way shape or form believe in god, jesus or any religion anymore.

if we live in a world where god can give two children cancer in less than ten years time, than he is a sick being.

i am a skeptic, for now and ever.


I do not care for foul notes condeming my personal revelation. This diary is for me, and its soul purpose is to keep track of the events happening in my life. This entry is written because I used to really believe, and now I do not.
So keep the bitchy opinionated notes to yourself.

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My decision was based on ration not anger.

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July 10, 2006

wow… my temptation is to say not to give up. but here i am, an almost none believer. lol you are a wonderful person, just remember that. *hugs* – noah

July 11, 2006

One of the foremost christian mystics, Meister Eckhart, said that his personal journey including finding a reason to believe every single day. It can be a constant challenge and should be. Blind faith without your own personal wealth of reason is dangerous and empty. Of course you are struggling… we all are. And sometimes it is painful and sometimes it provides release.

July 11, 2006

Yeah, I don’t really believe in a god, but not for the reasons you give, I think. I have watched my own kids make really bad choices. I’ve seen them do things to hurt themselves. Nothing I did (or could have done) could have changed anything about what happened. And then there is the metaphor that says there might be some reason that we just don’t understand. *shrugs*

July 11, 2006

People take away different lessons when things like this happen. Some people become embittered and walk away. Others embrace life more fully and become more compassionate. If there is a god, maybe the lesson here is not for you. Faith in god and faith in life as a random thing pretty much still leave you having to cope. Prayer = meditation = peace. We can’t control everything. *hugs*

July 11, 2006

This is kind of sad. It can be a little daunting for myself in my own beliefs. However mine are in opposition. Just never stop searching for answers to life. RYN: Put the remote down. now.

July 12, 2006

yeah, I gave up santa claus & god & the tooth fairy quite a while ago. If the god of the old testament exists (“praise me or I’ll kill you”) I hope somebody convinces him to take his thorazine. creeps me out. Davo