Part Thirty Nine


1902. What takes your breath away? the moon, and deep kisses


1903. What did you do today that you regret? not working out

Will you ever do it again? yes


1904. Is happiness something to be achieved and sought after or is it something to be retained and held onto always, no matter what happens? it’s something you’ve got to fight for


1905. Would you rather live in a world of perfection or do you like the world the way it is?perfection


1906. Is a frightning world an interesting world to live in? no


1907. What gives people depth and character? life experience


1908. What band, together or not would make you want to JUST FLY after seeing their show? i don’t want to fly


1909. Speaking of flying, can you fly? in an airplane.

How do you know? Have you tried? yes.


1910. Recently a 10-year-old grilled cheese sandwich in which some people saw the image of the Virgin Mary sold on ebay for $10,000. What do you think of this? how moldy is the cheese?


1911. Who is the next person you will hug? alexia? or maybe a boy


1912. Where was your last vacation to? Paris


1913. Where was your last car ride to? my apartment from my parents house


1914. Where was your last bus ride to? the airport from the train station in england


1915. Where did you last walk to? copper beach this morning


1916. What is the worst band in the universe? fall out boy


1917. What is the next book you want to read? good in bed by jennifer weiner


1918. What are the 3 most useless items on the planet? the dog undercoat groomer brush, buffets, and low nicotine cigarettes


1919. What gives you a peaceful feeling? falling asleep, cuddling with my bunny


1920. Do you ever stay up late watching infomercials? not anymore 

Did you ever BUY anything from an infomercial? no, my sister got the egg wave though


1921. Are you a light sleeper? noooo


1922. Are you a toys R us kid? nope


1923. Are you part of the mile high club? nope


1924. Do you like:

pena coladas? if you are talking about pina coladas then yes

getting caught in the rain? yes.

yoga? maybe if we had a good class around here

intelligence? no, i like stupid people. geez, who doesn’t like intelligence

making love at midnight? like a simultaneous orgasm at the strike of midnight? or just late night sex? i just need to get laid!

health food? when i can afford it

champagne? oh la la!

the feel of the ocean? yes


1925. What was the funniest way that you ever misheard the lyrics to a song? i hate song lyrics


1926. What have you never seen anything lovlier than? a southern ball


1927. Have you ever painted on a:

wall: yes

ceramic: yes

painting:  what? painted on a painting? like just walked up and painted over someone elses work?

model: yes

sun catcher: yes

face: yeah

body: yes


1928. If you believe in heaven are there seperate heavens for different animals (kittie heaven. dog heaven, bird heaven, etc)? that is stupid


1929. If you could build your body from scratch using the parts from different celebrities who would you combine? i’m really not into that. as long as i loose some weight i am pretty hott.


1930. If you could build your perfect match from scratch using the parts from different celebrities who would you combine: eww


1931. Avril Lavigne or Michelle Branch? avril

Vanessa Carlton or Britney Spears? britney


1932. When you sleep next to someone do they fall asleep first usually or do you? it depends on the time, activity etc

If they do, do you watch them sleep? no way, thats creepy


1933. How many people have a piece of your heart? my dearest friends


1934. What are your day dreams about? things i have to do


1935. What is your usual breakfast? bagel or special k


1936. How quickly are you willing to take drugs to numb pain? pretty quickly


1937. Finish this sentence. I pity the fool that: doesn’t have fun


1938. Can you think of three adjectives that DO NOT apply to you even a tiny bit?stupid, blonde, wishy-washy


1939. What do your salt and pepper shakers look like? i hate salt, and pepper should be freshly cracked


1940. When was the last time you hurt yourself? i was probably drunk


1941. Would you rather never have to sleep but also never be able to dream or just leave things as they are? i love sleep, it is pretty important

1942. Have you ever had your car towed? uhg, yes it was awful


1943. Have you ever used kool-aid to dye your hair? oh jeez, yes. it was sticky


1944. Would you rather be naked and famous or dressed and non-famous? naked and famous


1945. What band or singer do you believe started rock and roll?Beatles


1946. Think of an object that is shaped like your body: hour glass


1947. If you had a large black vase-pot-thing in your house what would you put in it? flowers


1948. Where would you like to live when you want to start a family?in England or a suburb of chicago

1949. Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or the country? suburbs


1950. Were you parents born by the year 1950? no


1951. Would you ever participate in a ‘sock hop’? yes


1952. Once there was a green house and inside it was a white house and inside it was a red house and inside it was a bunch of little brown babies. What are we talking about? Solve this riddle. what???!

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August 14, 2006

You had to take a bus to the airport? They didn’t even have the decency to drive you? I didn’t realize that. Man, where did you find this questionnaire. It’s the longest thing ever.

August 14, 2006

Maybe 1952 is a watermelon or something.