can’t take the crying

disclaimer…i don’t care who from smith reads this. but i’m not going to censor myself. if you have a problem with something i ever say, to bad. i don’t even give a fuck about it.

i’m in a bad, dissatisfied mood. i belong here academically, but not socially. i just can’t take the immaturity of these kids. especially my roomate. who belchs all the time, makes vomiting noises and never excuses herself. sick.

she claims to be a recovering anorexic, but never eats anything. and just tells gross bloody stories all the time. i think i forgot to mention that she is gothic…

she pretends to undetstand politics, trys to discuss it with me, and never realized that I DON”T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HER OPINION.

can you tell i’m unhappy?

alexia! i just want to come home.

i’m going to amherst tonight. a group of first years and a group of upperclassmen are going. i’m going with the older girls. i hate girls who get drunk and need to be taken care of. and i feel that is how the first years on my florr behave.

last ngiht was a disaster. i got really mad at a few of them. they were screaming and being obnoxious and unsafe. and i shut down, stopped talking. my typical this sucks i want to go to my bed routine. but no one here understood. they freaked out because i wasn’t spendning my night drinking or whatever. but i just remember this girl i cannot stand yelling at me because i brought a condom with me and how i was asking for sex. and that PISSED me off. because brining a condom is a SAFE thing to do. uhg.

last night just made me angry and resentful. and just so fucking mad.

i want to find kit, and i have to go to the post office. talk to you later.

this entry is from livejournal

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