blue eyes, you’re the secret i keep


i think a bunch of people missed my entry before the "chemistry" joke. be sure to check it out.  lots of events. and i certainly don’t want my diary to be known as a poetry/joke posting diary. it’s mostly about me πŸ˜‰

so last night i dominated at scrabble with jason. we then spent the majority of the night with arms entwined and fingers laced on the couch. saw V for Vendetta. I am a bit delirious with excitement over him and the movie at the same time. i’ve always had a little crush on him, and now that i know him. it’s fabulous.

my traigus(the little part of cartilige on your ear) is infected. i got it pierced a while ago. and now my whole outer ear is sick. πŸ™ i also have a sinus infection. πŸ™

so i have decided to take this entire thing with jason slooooooow. i’m pretty awesome at screwing things up, and i am not willing to add this to my list. i apparently also have a huge thing for jasons, always a j name. who knows why, it just has ended up that way.

so the rest of my day will be spent in a lovely bubbley bath. eating rosemary rubbed chicken and maybe potatoes? the side dish is TBA.

blah, i have not been responsible about my democratic party responsibilities. boo. but now it is really time for my bath, and then maybe a call to the birthday boy.


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September 27, 2006

random noter… sounds like a good night , hope thigns work out well with you and him

September 28, 2006

I don’t think it comes out everywhere in the states until NEXT Friday, sorry. <3 But I might be wrong! But just that this list exists for this Friday instead of just saying "in theatres now" makes me think that you might have to wait until a week from tomorrow to see it, if you're not in a big a city.

September 28, 2006

That sucks about your infections. :/ Make sure you wash the tragus piercing thoroughly and don’t touch it at all, ever! πŸ™‚

September 28, 2006

And oddly enough, I’ve been to Mount Pleasant, MI.