Some pictures and screenshots
You know? His mother (Bees) said the same thing at one point. Weird eh??
Here is me with my mask and fishing rod (I’m almost finished paying off Nook for the second expansion)
I just like the way she looks.
I don’t know if you can see them, but I’m wearing rainbow leggings!
My house and yes, I have a beak LOL!!!!
Snape being Snape.
@journalsecret I still have to take pix of my house but you can see we are diversified in buildings here in NA.
Most people do live in houses, but others live in high rises too.
Ever since I was a kid with my foster sister’s camera, I loved taking shots of the sky, closeups of random things, that sort of thing…
Julie walking along Davis.
Bees pulling up the rear.
Something I would never do, my feet and my teeth… at the same place, cos that’s just gross.
Coin laundry place
More random pix
Canada’s #1 place for coffee and other comestibles. Tim Horton’s!!!!
More later mkay??
Great pictures Sammy. I like Kicks because he calls me chum on the game.
@heffay I know eh? What is he anyways? A bird????
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I enjoyed your pictures
@happyathome Heh ty
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