Mama Lisa is coming for more work…

Sammy here… Mama Lisa is giving Maman a break, actually several ones… which makes Maman happy that she gets to see Jimmy and her crew. I’m happy for Maman, bc she is the best. Mama Lisa is a funny one. πŸ™‚ She has a cute little tea cup poodle – shih tzu mix puppy named Delilah. She is as cute as all git out. If you check my photo gallery page ( at the end of the weekend you should see pix of baby girl…. but the thing is, Delilah moves so fast, she is like greased lightning! πŸ˜€ And she is black… and our house is shadowy sooo…. yeah. I will try and see about getting shots of her. Babycakes has decided not to go to the Santa Claus parade…

As usual G is being a bitch, she swapped the dates of the Swiss Chalet visit on us. She can be a very nasty person….

Anyways, that’s it that’s all…


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